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WHO supported the 2024 African vaccination week celebrated with a motto “Attention to zero doze and under vaccinated children”

WHO supported the 2024 African vaccination week celebrated with a motto “Attention to zero doze and under vaccinated children”


WHO hands over emergency and infection prevention control equipment to strengthen health systems in Kigoma Region

Rallying action to curb cholera in Nigeria’s Lagos state

Rallying action to curb cholera in Nigeria’s Lagos state

South Sudan has successfully implemented a COVID-19 vaccination campaign across many parts of the country, significantly increasing overall vaccination rates.

South Sudan's fight against COVID-19 and efforts to safeguard the community from vaccine-preventable diseases

Government of Japan Supports Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) Training in Amhara Region, Ethiopia

Government of Japan Supports Mental Health Gap Action Programme (mhGAP) Training in Amhara Region, Ethiopia