Ndhiwa community members speak about the impact of malaria vaccine on their community

Breakthrough Malaria Vaccine – Ndhiwa Community Speaks Out

National Launch of polio campaign in Mombasa set for  May 22-26 in 13 counties at risk

Urgent immunization response launched to tackle polio outbreak in 13 counties

Dr Rudi Eggers, WHO Representative, Kenya, speaking during the vaccination launch. He was accompanied by MOH officials, Dr Patrick Amoth, Director General and Ms Susan Mochache, Principal Secretary

Kenya Third Wave Response: A time to synergize and re-energize

Maintenir le cap de la couverture sanitaire universelle au Kenya

Maintenir le cap de la couverture sanitaire universelle au Kenya

Les communautés kenyanes en première ligne pour freiner la propagation du COVID-19

Les communautés kenyanes en première ligne pour freiner la propagation du COVID-19

Training of Rapid Response teams - Funds from EU-ECHO will build capacity of health workers and other COVID-19 Emergency response teams

The EU and WHO working Together to Defeat COVID-19 in Kenya

Une activiste pour les jeunes dans la lutte antitabac au Kenya

Une activiste pour les jeunes dans la lutte antitabac au Kenya