WHO Representative to Uganda, Dr Yonas Tegegn Woldemariam handing over 2400 monkeypox tests to the Minister of Health Hon Dr Jane Ruth Aceng Acero.

WHO donates 2,400 tests for Monkeypox to Uganda

WHO, CDC and the Ministry of Health train 70 Emergency Responders in Uganda

WHO, CDC and the Ministry of Health trained 70 Emergency Responders to improve health emergency management in Uganda

Handover of Syringes to the Ministry of Health in Uganda

WHO and the German Government donate 2,800 oxygen cylinders and 48,172,700 syringes to Uganda

Awareness raising among Communities in Uganda on the negative impact of Tobacco

Ending Tobacco Farming Leads To A Healthy Environment And A Healthier Population

WHO and DANIDA hand over three generators to the Ministry of Health

Uganda Receives Three Generators to Power Oxygen Plants at Three Regional Referral Hospitals

Gender based violence continues

Impliquer les hommes pour lutter contre les VBG en Ouganda

Tree planting

Ministry of Health and Partners plant over 100 trees as part of World Health Day commemoration in Uganda

Accelerated Mass Vaccination Campaign agaisnt COVID-19 in Uganda

Ministry of Health and Partners Step-up COVID-19 vaccination in Uganda through Accelerated Mass Vaccination Campaigns