WHO supports strengthening social mobilization for polio vaccination

Awareness-raising in health units
Awareness-raising in health units

WHO supports strengthening social mobilization for polio vaccination

The WHO is working hand in hand with the Luanda Provincial Health Directorate to intensify social mobilisation initiatives for the second round of polio vaccination, which will take place from 13 to 16 October. With the support of the WHO, various advocacy and engagement initiatives with communities and key partners, and the dissemination of information through different channels, are being carried out to ensure everyone's participation and leave no child behind without vaccination. Vaccinating saves lives!

Sensibilização numa escola religiosa
Raising awareness in a religious school

 Bikers involved in raising awareness
Bikers involved in raising awareness
Awareness-raising in health units
Awareness-raising in health units
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Olívio Gambo

Oficial de Comunicação
Escritório da OMS em Angola
gamboo [at] who.int
T: +244 923 61 48 57