WHO donates lifesaving medicines and supplies to the Afar region of Ethiopia

WHO donates lifesaving medicines and supplies to the Afar region of Ethiopia

WHO donates lifesaving medicines and supplies to the Afar region of Ethiopia

The World Health Organization (WHO) donated an assortment of emergency and essential medicines and medical supplies totaling 19.5 metric tons (MT) to the Afar Region of Ethiopia. 

The medicines and medical supplies, estimated to be worth over USD 135,000, will benefit more than 400,000 individuals in various woredas impacted by disease outbreaks and ongoing humanitarian situations. 

The medicines and medical supplies include 222 modules of Trauma and Emergency Kit (TESK), Interagency Emergency Health Kit (IEHK), and Malaria and Measles supplies.

The Afar Field Office of WHO-Ethiopia Country Office, on Monday, 15th of May 2023, handed over ten out of 19.5 MT of medical supplies and medicines to Dubti General Hospital, in the presence of the Deputy Head of the Afar Region Health Bureau, Mr. Wittika Nore, Dubti General Hospital CEO, Dr. Hussein Adem, and representatives from sector offices and partner organizations.

WHO also delivered the remaining medicines and medical supplies directly to eight other health facilities that were identified to be in desperate need of medicines and medical supplies, namely Kellewan Primary Hospital, Chifra Primary Hospital, Mohammed Akile Hospital, Asaita Primary Hospital, Mile Health Centre, Dubti Health Center, Logia Health Center, and Semera Health Centre.

"The supplies were donated to strengthen the Regional Health Bureau's effort in addressing the recent upsurge of Dengue Fever and Malaria cases, as well as to improve access to emergency and lifesaving care for IDPs, refugees, and flood-affected communities in the region," Dr. Nonhlanhla Dlamini, Acting Representative to WHO-Ethiopia indicated. 

Dr. Patrick Abok, Team Lead for Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) at the WHO Ethiopia Country Office, said, "The medical supplies are critical in ensuring that more people in the region have immediate access to emergency and essential lifesaving health and nutrition care services. The medicines will also be used to care for survivors of road traffic accidents in Dubti General Hospital," 

During the handover ceremony, Mr. Wittika Nore, Deputy Head of the Regional Health Bureau, stated, "The supply of these medicines and supplies will significantly alleviate the humanitarian crisis the people in the region have been facing due to natural and man-made emergencies."

"WHO has been unswervingly providing support that enabled the region to overcome many emergencies. The timely support received from WHO is critical in alleviating the recent upsurge in Dengue Fever and Malaria cases in the region", Mr. Wittika said and urged WHO to consolidate further its ongoing efforts of rehabilitating the health facilities and systems that have been impacted due to the conflict in Northern Ethiopia.

"This is a continuation of the support WHO has been providing to the Northern Ethiopia response since 2020", Ms. Marjorie Mupandare, Northern Ethiopia Response Incident Manager for WHO-Ethiopia, said. "Through its Afar Region field office, WHO has been coordinating and extending several humanitarian and emergency support to the Afar region," Marjorie added. 

The WHO regional field office, in April 2023, responded with the supply and distribution of three MT of IEHK-2017 in the region's flood-affected Asaita, Dubti, Amibara, and Gewani Woredas.

More than five MT of nutrition supplies (PEDSAM kits) have also been distributed to Dubti, Asaita, Abeala, Mohammed Akile, Chifra, and Kellewan hospitals to improve the nutrition status of children affected with Severe Acute Malnutrition.

To improve the healthcare waste management practice, WHO has provided 2,100 different color and size bins to all health facilities across the region. 

WHO has also financed the construction of three incinerators and ash pits in Asaita, Dubti, and Semera Health Centers.

WHO donates lifesaving medicines and supplies to the Afar region of Ethiopia
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For Additional Information or to Request Interviews, Please contact:
Yetenayet Kebede
Communications Officer 
World Health Organization -Ethiopia
Phone:  +251911080478 (Direct line, WhatsApp & Telegram)
Email– yfita [at] who.int (yfita[at]who[dot]int)