Ethiopia News

Global HEARTS’ Manual Adoption workshop participants

Global HEARTS’ Manual Adoption workshop held in Ethiopia

WCO Ethiopia attending training on Theory of Change

WHO Country Office (WCO) Ethiopia trains staff on Theory of Change

L to R: Prof. Yemane Berhan, H.E. Dr Kebede Worku, Dr Ephrem T. and Mulat Negus

Ethiopia launched the 8th African Vaccination Week

H.E. Dr Kebede Worku, State Minister of Health and Dr Akpaka Kalu, Representative to WHO Ethiopia briefing the Media

Ethiopia Observed 2018 World Health Day

L to R Minister holding key in hands after receiving the key from WHO Representative to Ethiopia

WHO Ethiopia donated six vehicles to Ministry of Health

Think Twice. Seek Advice.

World Antibiotics Awareness week commemorated in Ethiopia 

R to L Dr Akpaka Kalu, Representative to WHO Ethiopia in his address and Dr Mebratu Meles, State Minister to Ministry of Industry

Promoting Interagency Collaboration to Ensure Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Development in Ethiopia

Ethiopia 2016 global adult tobacco survey (GATS)

Official launch of the Ethiopia 2016 global adult tobacco survey (GATS) findings

WHO, UNICEF and Rotary International urge to sustain the polio-free status of Ethiopia

Dr Akpaka Kalu WHO Ethiopia Representative greeting Former president of FDRE Mr Girma Woldegiorgis

Ethiopia Commemorated World Polio Day