Nigeria News

WR (middle) with facilitators,  KPI coordinators and focal persons from Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Liberia and Nigeria

WHO scales-up accountability processes as workshop on Key Performance Indicators integration opens in Abuja

L-R Dr Fiona Braka of WHO, Dr Alemu and Dr Shuib at the Press briefing in Abuja

Nigeria collaborates with journalists on high quality measles vaccination campaign.

Dr Alemu during field visit to access humanitarian response in Borno state

One year into emergency response, WHO evaluates operations in Northeastern Nigeria.

Mobile health team sensitizing   family members on cholera prevention methods. Photocredit: WHO/CE.Onuekwe

WHO Intensifies Efforts to Contain Cholera Outbreak in Borno State

LLINs distribution in Osun state

Osun State distributes over two million Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Nets for malaria control.

 Submerged houses in Achusa settlement of Makurdi

WHO deploys Polio personnel to forestall disease outbreaks in Benue state communities affected by floods.

The ED cutting the tape to formally receive the equipment for NERICC

WHO provides unprecedented support to Nigeria’s Coordination Center to close perennial routine immunization gaps

Permanent secretary (5th right) with members of NMTCC

State governments garner support for 2017-18 Measles vaccination campaign.

1.	Internally Displaced Persons cueing up for water at Muna IDPs camp. Photocredit: WHO/CE.Onuekwe

WHO and partners supporting health authorities rapidly respond to Cholera outbreak in North-Eastern Nigeria

From L – R,  IPPC Chairman Mr Michael McGovern, WHO Country Representative Dr Wondimagegnehu Alemu, National Polio Plus Chairman Dr Tunji Funso and Rotary International Polio Plus Director Carol Pandak

Over a billion US dollars spent on Polio Eradication - Chairman International Polio Plus Committee