Liberia Media Centre

World Blood Donor Day 2024 – 20 years of celebrating giving: thank you blood donors!
Journée mondiale du donneur de sang 2024 - 20 ans de générosité : merci aux donneurs de sang !
Message from the World Health Organization Liberia Representative on the polio vaccination campaign
Message from the World Health Organization Liberia Representative on the polio vaccination campaign in Liberia
Ebola outbreak response and needs by Dr Nestor NDAYIMIRIJE
Testimony of Saah Tamba, Ebola survivor in Liberia
Testimony of Harrison Sakila, Ebola survivor in Liberia
WHO: Cuban Health Workers in Liberia
WHO: Liberia - local students become active Ebola case finders
WHO: Austin A. Jallah shares his experience fighting Ebola in Liberia
WHO - Channelling hope – interview with psychosocial health worker E. Dash Karbar
WHO: Interview with Pieter Desloovere - Liberia - Ebola