Ethiopia News

Vaccinators in Addis Ababa going house to house to administer nOPV2 vaccine to under-five children

Ethiopia launches the first ever nOPV2 vaccination campaign alongside commemoration of World Polio Day

Vaccinators in Addis Ababa going house to house to administer nOPV2 vaccine to under-five children

Joint statement by WHO-UNICEF-ROTARY on World Polio Day

WHO logistics hub airlifts its largest single shipment of humanitarian cargo to Ethiopia

WHO logistics hub airlifts its largest single shipment of humanitarian cargo to Ethiopia

Selamawit administers oral cholera vaccine to a young girl at Yekatit 23 IDP camp in Mekelle

A new nurse finds purpose as a volunteer vaccinator in Tigray

WHO awards Ethiopian Official, Ms Heran Gerba in honor of her fight for tobacco control

WHO awards Ethiopian official Ms Heran Gerba in honor of her fight for tobacco control

Ethiopia to vaccinate 2 million against cholera in Tigray region

Ethiopia to vaccinate 2 million against cholera in Tigray region

WHO facilitates training of health workers on mental health service provision in humanitarian setting

WHO facilitates training of health workers on mental health service provision in humanitarian setting

For Medical Director of Mekelle Hospital, Dr Kahsay Gebremedhin, staying home was not an option when conflict erupted in Mekelle.  He had a medical team to lead and patients to treat.

Health workers in Mekelle continue to provide services amid challenges