Ethiopia News


Ethiopia joins global efforts to end cholera by 2030

cross boarder picture

Ethiopia, Somaliland and Puntland jointly plan for the synchronized HoA cross-border polio response

 Participants included 31 PHEOC trainers from 22 Member States of the WHO African Region and the WHO Mediterranean Region

Public Health Emergency Operations Centres strengthened through training

Public Health Emergency Operations Centres strengthened through training

Ethiopia sets new standards for the management of acute malnutrition

Ethiopia sets new standards for the management of acute malnutrition

Dr Paul Mainuka handing over the award to Ethiopia’s House of People’s Representatives

WHO Recognizes Ethiopia’s House of People’s Representatives for effort against tobacco, tobacco Use

Group picture of participants

WHO Ethiopia conducts the first sub-national Health Cluster Coordination training

The mOPV2 vials in the two sacs before entering into the incinerator

Ethiopia destroyed the mOPV2 vials used for the first phase cVDPV response

group photo

The Regional Commission for the Verification of Measles Elimination reviewed the progress from five countries