Ethiopia News

Ethiopia to vaccinate more than 1 million people against yellow fever

Ethiopia to vaccinate more than 1 million people against yellow fever

Dr Paul Mainuka, Representative to WHO Ethiopia a.i. addressing the paricpants of the launching

The MoH launches the 7th round National Health Account (NHA)

Demonstration of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) procedure

WHO supports the mobile BSL-3 Lab re-qualification and training of experts

Preventive measles vaccination campaign for displaced and host community, Gedeo Zone

Ethiopia launches an integrated measles, vitamin A, and deworming campaign for displaced people in Gedeo Zone

WHO Ethiopia delivers medical supplies to respond to IDP situation in Gedeo Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia

WHO prepositions medical kits to support disaster risk management in Gedeo Zone of Ethiopia

WHO Colleague vaccinating a child during the launching of mOPV2 vaccination

Ethiopia launches the 1st round synchronized mOPV2 campaign

Asawka recovering at the treatment unit at Ferede Health Centre, Afar

Timely intervention saves beautiful Asawka’s life

Participants of Strengthening Health Literacy for Adolescent and Youth workshop

Strengthening Health Literacy for Adolescent and Youth