Ethiopia News

Measles Campaign Started to Vaccinate Children in Over 500 Woredas in Ethiopia

Measles Campaign Started to Vaccinate Children in Over 500 Woredas in Ethiopia

A child vaccinated tOPV during the Launching of Polio NID in Somali

Ethiopia conducted Polio National Immunization Days

PHEM focal persons and partners in Afar National Regional State receive training on EWARS

Afar Regional Health Bureau in Ethiopia Receives Training on EWARS to respond to health and Nutrition Emergency

FMOH, WHO Ethiopia Host Early Warning, Alerts, and Response System (EWARS) Training

FMOH, WHO Ethiopia Host Early Warning, Alerts, and Response System (EWARS) Training

Belaynesh shows her healed hand

Ethiopia - Scabies outbreak response in Amhara regional state

Private well for commercial purposes exposed to different health risks

Ethiopia - Response for Acute Watery Diarrhea outbreak in Moyale town

Dr. Paul Mainuka handing over the emergency case management supply

WHO Provides Emergency Case Management Supply to SNNPR

Partial view of participants at WHD2016 mass walk

Ethiopia marks World Health Day 2016

Advocates Spoke up for Children on the First Ever Ministerial Conference on Immunization in Africa

Ethiopia in preparation for Measles vaccination campaign to benefit 505 Woredas of High Risk Regions