Ethiopia News

Vaccines being delivered to the most remote areas in Afar region, Ethiopia.

Evaluation team confirms that rotavirus vaccine introduction improved Ethiopia's EPI programme performance

Opening of the US-Ethiopia meeting on Global Health Security Agenda, 17 June 2015

WHO Lauds US-Ethiopia Collaboration for Implementation of the International Health Regulation

The WHO delegation interacting with the refugee community.

WHO Ethiopia Supports Gambella Region to Stay a Step Ahead of Impending Health Threats in the Rainy Season

WHO donates a vehicle to Ethiopian Midwives Association.

International Day of the Midwife in Ethiopia - a day for honoring midwives and strengthening partnership

Ethiopia Successfully Interrupts Wild Polio Virus Transmission

During supportive supervision of STEPs survey

WHO provides supportive supervision to Ethiopia’s nationwide NCD STEPs survey

Children calling for action via the #SaveKidsLives signboard

Save Kids’ Lives – Third UN Global Road Safety Week Commemorated in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 7-11 May 2015

Ethiopia has halved the number of people without access to safe water since 1990.

Ethiopia meets MDG target on safe water supply