Ethiopia News


WHO Ethiopia Newsletter - Volume 1; Issue 11: 14 January 2013

Remarks by Dr Khaled Bessaoud, WHO Representative Ethiopia - Rotary handover event

Researcher participants with Dr Khaled Bessaoud (Center), staff from WHO CO, HQ , FMOH/EHNRI

The Implementation Research Platform - Leveraging funds initiative (IRP) Workshop concluded successfully

L-R: Ms. Patrizia DiGiovani, Mr. Nahu-Senaye Araya and Dr Khaled Bessaoud

Rotary International donates financial support for Polio Eradication activities

L-R: Ms. Patrizia DiGiovani, Mr. Nahu-Senaye Araya and Dr Khaled Bessaoud

Rotary International donates financial support for Polio Eradication activities

Launching of the First African Road Safety Day

His Execllency Dr. Tedros Adhanom, Minister of Health - Ethiopia awarding H.E. W/ro Azeb Mesfin, at the World Mental Health Day event, Addis Ababa

Ethiopia Observes World Mental Health Day

Remarks by Dr Khaled Bessaoud, WHO Representative Ethiopia 21 October 2012