Yellow fever Vaccination Article

Nigeria launches Yellow fever vaccination reactive campaign to contain outbreak in Ebonyi State

(L-R) Dr Hassan Bala (WHO), Hanibal Abiy OCHA/NHF focal person (and the Chief Nursing officer visiting a  beneficiary of the WHO/NHF fund at the Borno  State Specialist Hospital

Addressing unmet health needs of conflict-affected IDPs in North-east Nigeria

Buruli Ulcer Article_Chineye's Leg

Buruli ulcer: An infectious disease thriving in unsanitary environments

Advocacy to Head of the Okende Refugees Community, Peter Ketcho by WHO, State, LGA team 21.07.19

WHO supports Cross River State in administering polio vaccines to Cameroonian refugees 

Representatives of Head of Agencies at the Press Conference

Three years without a case of wild polio virus, Government of Nigeria warns against complacency

Group Photograph during a 2-day workshop on needle and syringe exchange programme guideline finalization

Nigeria moves to end Communicable Diseases among people who use drugs

The Governor of Taraba State Distributing LLINs to citizenry.png

Malaria- Over 7.3 million long lasting insecticide treated nets distributed in Taraba and Kaduna States

Dr Clement Peter (OiC) making in Speech at the Validation event

WHO collaborates with Nigerian Government to update the country health workforce profile

Group photograph during launch of Borno Malaria MOAP.jpg

Borno State launches first Malaria Operational Plan, reawakens fight against malaria 

01 ED of NPHCDA administering vaccine to launch Meningitis A Conjugate Vaccine into Routine EPI Schedule.jpg

Nigeria introduces Meningitis A Conjugate Vaccine into Routine EPI Schedule