
Down to zero – Nigeria on the path to polio eradication

Assisted by the Executive Director of the NPHCDA Dr Ado Muhammad, UN Secretary General administers oral polio vaccine to a child in a WHO supported health facility

UN Secretary-General commends immunization efforts in Nigeria

Participants at the Midterm review meeting of INSPIRE project

Promising results from INSPIRE Project, a Midterm Review Findings reveal

Dr Mkanda receiving neem seedling from one of the PHC directors

Kaduna State Government and WHO launch polio-free legacy tree planting campaign

Mr Awute (first right), Dr Yakubu Gowon and Dr Mpazanje

Nigeria commemorates World Hepatitis Day for the first time.

Mr Awute handing over WHO scholarship to one of the benefiting tutors

WHO Nigeria hands over learning equipment and presents scholarship awards

Governor Nasir El Rufai (middle) with WHO Kaduna state team

Kaduna State Governor pledges to continue support for immunization activities

Mr Linus Awute and Rui Gama Vaz with copies of the CCSlll

WHO Nigeria launches third generation Country Cooperative Strategy.

The permanent secretary of Abia State ministry of health supporting a health worker to vaccinate a 14-week-old baby with IPV

Nigeria accelerates second phase introduction of inactivated polio vaccine into routine immunization schedule.

Child receiving OPV during hard-to-reach mobile session

Yobe State commits to sustaining the hard-to-reach project for underserved communities