A high level mission on poliomyelitis took part in the official launching of the 9th national immunization days on polio coupled with the second mother and child health nutrition action week in Cameroon

A high level mission on poliomyelitis took part in the official launching of the 9th national immunization days on polio coupled with the second mother and child health nutrition action week in Cameroon

On Friday the 31st of October 2014, the Minister of Public Health, Mr. André Mama Fouda presided over the official launching ceremony of the 9th round of the National Immunization Days against Poliomyelitis coupled with the Second Mother and Child Health Nutrition Action Week in Yaoundé, Cameroon. Present at this very important ceremony was a delegation of members from the Global Poliomyelitis Eradication Initiative at the head of which was His Excellency Ambassador John E Lange of the UN Foundation.

The other members of the delegation were Dr Hamid Jafari Chief of Polio at WHO Headquarters Geneva, Dr Cheick Dah Coordinator for the Polio Response in Central Africa based in Gabon WHO, Mr. Peter Crowley Chief Polio Unicef New York, Mme Flavia Guidetti from the Unicef Regional Office in Senegal, Dr Jeff Partridge Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Dr Greg Armstrong Chief Polio Team CDC, Dr Allen Craig African Team Lead CDC. The team was accompanied by the WHO and Unicef country office Representatives, Dr Charlotte Faty Ndiaye and Mme Félicite Tchibindat respectively.

The launching ceremony took place in two stages: firstly the regular launching at the Yaoundé 3 Divisional Office Efoulan Health District, followed by a field visit to the Mvog-Betsi market in Biyem-assi Health District. The WHO Representative Dr Charlotte Faty Ndiaye in her speech on behalf of partners re-emphasized the engagement of partners to work with the Cameroon government to eradicate Poliomyelitis. She also invited the parents and all stakeholders to remain mobilized for this just cause for which we are very close to our objective.

The Minister on his part invited the parents not to be discouraged but to continue opening their doors and welcome vaccination teams whenever a campaign is organized, for the more a child is vaccinated the better he/she is protected. He concluded by thanking his august visitors for taking some time off to visit Cameroon and for their continuous support since the onset of the outbreak in Cameroon. The ceremony ended with the administration of the Oral Polio Vaccine, vitamin A and Mebendazole to under 5 children.

01. Children saying STOP TO POLIOMYELITIS in Central Africa
02. Cultural dance group at Mvog Betsi Market
03. Dr Charlotte Faty Ndiaye, WHO Representative comforting a baby after vaccination
04. Dr Greg Armstrong Chief Polio Team CDC vaccinating a baby in the Mvog-Betsi market
05. Dr Hamid Jafari Chief Polio WHOHQ following the footsteps of His Excellency Ambassador John E Lange
06. From Left to Right,  Ambassador John E Lange, UN Foundation,  Minister of Public Health,  The Secretary of State in charge of Epidemics and Pandemics, WHO Representative
07. His Excellency Ambassador John E Lange ,UN Foundation administering the Oral Polio Vaccine
08. The Cameroon WHO IVE Country Team fully mobilized (From Left to Right Dr Sume, Dr Nimpa, Dr Dontsop and M. Abega-Finance controller HSS)


For more information, please contact:

Dr Charlotte Faty Ndiaye, WR
E-mail: wcoafcm [at] who.int (wcoafcm[at]who[dot]int)

Dr Gerald Sume, NPO/ EPI 
E-mail: sumeetapelongg [at] who.int (sumeetapelongg[at]who[dot]int)

Dr Marcellin Nimpa, NPO/SURV
E-mail: nimpamengouom [at] who.int (nimpamengouom[at]who[dot]int)

Dr Irène Emah, EPI/RSS
E-mail: irene.emah [at] yahoo.fr (irene[dot]emah[at]yahoo[dot]fr)

Dr Marlise Dontsop, M& E/RSS
E-mail: mdjoumetio [at] yahoo.fr (mdjoumetio[at]yahoo[dot]fr)

Mr Emmanuel Temdemnou NPO/LOG
E-mail: temdemnoufondang [at] who.int (temdemnoufondang[at]who[dot]int)

Mr Kouontchou J.C, NPO/DM
E-mail: kouontchoumimbej [at] who.int (kouontchoumimbej[at]who[dot]int)

Mme Barbara Etoa, NPO/HIP
E-Mail: etoankonob [at] who.int (etoankonob[at]who[dot]int)

Mlle Soterine Tsanga, COM/IVE
E-Mail: soterinetsanga [at] gmail.com (soterinetsanga[at]gmail[dot]com)

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