WHO and UNICEF Technical Teams strengthen colloboration to best support Ethiopia’s Response to the Sporadic AWD Cases

WHO and UNICEF Technical Teams strengthen colloboration to best support Ethiopia’s Response to the Sporadic AWD Cases

Emergency and WASH teams of WHO and UNICEF hold regular meetings to discuss the best way of coordinating the two UN agencies’ support to the Government of Ethiopia’s response to the ongoing acute watery diarrhea (AWD) outbreak in the country.  The most recent get-together took place on 9 March, where existing gaps, past successes and shortfalls were identified and discussed to best devise the way forward.  The two agencies agreed to continue to work closely together under the leadership and existing structure of the Government of Ethiopia – including the Public Health Emergency Management and Communication teams of the health sector, the health extension program and health development army. The teams brainstormed on the details of technical collaboration laying down tentative plans for coordination of activities across affected regions.

All at the meeting agreed that both agencies should continue to compliment eachother’s efforts and focus on their respective comparative strengths in order to bring about the best possible outcomes on the ground, ensuring access to timely interventions and saving lifes.

For more information, please contact


Loza Mesfin, Communications Officer, tesfayel [at] who.int (tesfayel[at]who[dot]int)

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