FMoH – A Tobacco-Free and Physically Active Workplace

FMoH – A Tobacco-Free and Physically Active Workplace

The Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia becomes a smoke-free and physically active environment.

Following Ethiopia’s ratification of the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC), the Federal Ministry of Health becomes the first ministry to take an initiative to ensure that its employees make a choice for a healthier lifestyle to avoid the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). This initiative, dubbed, “Tobacco-free and physically active” was launched on 17 April 2014 at a high level awareness raising event for the Ministry, its specialized agencies and partners in the presence of the Minister of Health, Dr Kesetebirhan Admasu, who made a call to the Ministry staff to “Work in a smoke-free and physically active Ministry of Health” and declared “We choose a healthier lifestyle!” 

During the event, physical and biochemical measurements of staff were done to collect basic socio-demographic data, weight, height, blood pressure, blood sugar and history of hypertension and diabetes.  Body-mass index (BMI) was also calculated based on the collected data.  

Since the awareness raising event of 17 April, the FMoH premises have been declared tobacco free. The FMoH had also built a gym in its premises and made it available for staff and partners since June 2014. 

WHO commends this move of the FMoH which aims to lead by example, focusing on the wellbeing of its staff.

For more information, please contact Dr Asmamaw Bezabeh Workneh, Non-communicable Diseases Programme Coordinator, WHO Ethiopia; email: workneha [at] (workneha[at]who[dot]int)

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Photos: FMoH/ Public Relations Directorate & WHO/ Julie Pudlowiski

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