High Level Advocacy and Dissemination Workshop on Health Sector Disaster Risk Management Roadmap

High Level Advocacy and Dissemination Workshop on Health Sector Disaster Risk Management Roadmap

Addis Ababa, 18 July 2013 -- A High level advocacy meeting to discuss modalities for strengthening Health sector Disaster Risk Management was held at Sheraton Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on July 18th 2013.

During the meeting which was jointly organized by FMOH and WHO, the findings of the recently conducted health sector country DRM capacity assessment and the ten-year road map for strengthening the health sector DRM capacity were disseminated to over 35 participants from various Government sectors, the academia, public health associations, ERCS, national NGOs.

For more information, please contact:

WHO Country Office - Ethiopia
Email: who-wro [at] et.afro.who.int (who-wro[at]et[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int); Country Website: More;
P.O. Box: 3069; Fax: +251115514037; Phone: +2511155347

High Level Advocacy and Dissemination Workshop on Health Sector Disaster Risk Management Roadmap

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