Towards the Elimination of NTDs in Ethiopia by 2020

Towards the Elimination of NTDs in Ethiopia by 2020

Partners meet and commit to ‘end the neglect, integrate, scale-up and sustain’

Addis Ababa, 14 June 2013 -- The National High-Level Symposium on Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) ended its proceeding in Addis Ababa on 14th June, 2013, with a roundtable of all partners involved in the fight against NTDs in Ethiopia. The State Minister Dr Kebede and the WHO Representative in Ethiopia, Dr M’Pele, chaired the roundtable TITLE , which gathered over 400 people representing the Government (Ministries of Education, of Water Resources and Energy, of Agriculture and Rural Development), Regional Health Bureaus, Development Partners, Higher Education and Research Institutions), Drug Donation Programs (Mectizan Donation Program, ITI, CWW), Pharmaceutical companies (GSK,J&J), and partners (WHO, USAID, DFID, Gates Foundation, GNNTD, Network of non-government development Organization for NTDs).

The presence of high-level leadership and committed participation witnessed in Ethiopia that the momentum is high to take the fight against NTDs to the next level towards achieving the control, elimination and eradication of targeted NTDs by 2020.

Partners commended the ownership of the Government regarding its NTDs agenda and the leadership of the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr Kesetebirhan Admasu, who has placed NTDs as one of the health priorities in the country, and is committed to their control and elimination. Partners expressed their commitment to alignment with country priorities and their commitment to sustain the Government’s efforts on NTDs, and to harmonize their efforts.

Partners declared their support to the NTDs Master Plan, which was launched by the Honorable Minister of Health at the Symposium. The meeting showed that the fight against NTDs can count on a comprehensive and inclusive partnership, including the private from private sector, particularly drug donations by Pharmaceutical companies; NGOs, and traditional development partners. Representatives of each category expressed deep commitment to take the fight to the next level committing technical, financial support, drugs donations delivered timely where it is most needed, as well as the scaling up of good practices.

The FMOH advocated and requested partners to support the National Master Plan on NTDs with the budget required of 104.7 million USD over three years, with a funding gap calculated at is 53.4 million focusing to provide primarily for treatment and service delivery programs.

Partners committed to supporting the FMOH and called for effective and efficient partnerships that look at the comparative advantage of each stakeholder in the fight against NTDs, with particular emphasis on accountability and focus on results.

Towards the Elimination of NTDs in Ethiopia by 2020 [pdf: 203.78 kB]

 01 Dr Pierre Mpele Kilebou, WHO Representative To Ethiopia, H.E. Dr Kesetebirhan Admassu, Minister Of Health With Other Delegates At The Symposium 02 Dr Pierre Mpele Kilebou Delivering Opening Remarks 03 Partial View Of The Symposium

For more information, please contact:

Mr. Abebayehu Assefa,
Email: abebayehua [at] (abebayehua[at]et[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int);

Disease Prevention and Control Cluster Lead WHO Ethiopia;
Tel: 251 11 5534777 mob: 251 911 50 03 24; GPN:34655;
P.O.Box 3069; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


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