Rotary International donates financial support for Polio Eradication activities

Rotary International donates financial support for Polio Eradication activities

14 December 2012, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia -- In a handover ceremony hosted at WHO Ethiopia Country Office, Mr. Nahu-Senaye Araya, Chairman, Rotary International National Polio plus Committee (NPPC), Polio plus Program handed over a check of ETB 3.5 million to Dr Khaled Bessaoud, Acting WHO Country Representative and Ms. Patrizia DiGiovani, Deputy UNICEF Country Representative to support Polio Eradication activities in Ethiopia.

In his remarks, Dr Khaled Bessaoud, commended the progress Ethiopia has made in immunization and pointed out that the country is still in a very fragile position seeing the continued circulation of wild polio virus in 2 countries in the African Region (Nigeria and Chad), risks of continued circulation in the Horn of Africa, as well as the level of current routine immunization coverage. He remarked, “The need for sustained vigilance in our efforts can therefore not be emphasized enough.”

Dr Khaled applauded Rotary International for its relentless efforts in spearheading the initiative and support of the country’s endeavor to end Polio. “Rotary has been at the center of polio eradication advocacy efforts, local resource mobilization and focused attention to high risk border areas.” He also expressed WHO’s commitment to make use of the donated amount ETB 1,879,031 (USD 103,000) for Polio Eradication activities in high risk regions; namely, Somali, Gambella, Benushangul and some parts of Oromoia and SNNPR.

In her remarks, Ms. Patrizia, Deputy Country representative to UNICEF praised Rotary International for its financial support, continued commitment and of the personal commitment of Rotarians during every round of immunization campaigns in Ethiopia. She said, “Success of polio eradication efforts will be due to largely to Rotary international, the Rotary Foundation and Rotarians worldwide”. She also said that “UNICEF remains a committed partner to proudly work alongside Rotary International and WHO to ensure all children are reached with polio Vaccine so that a polio free world can be realized in working together.”

Mr. Nahu-Senaye Araya, Chairman Rotary International NPPC, Polio plus Program, in his remarks gave the historical perspective of the initiative since Rotary launched its support in 1985, and highlighted the future direction of the Rotary international to continue supporting countries in their health endeavors once Polio is eradicated from the face of the Earth. He said, “Given the current global situation and pace of the polio eradication efforts, with three countries remaining in the globe, Nigeria and Chad in Africa, polio transmission will hopefully be fully interrupted by the end of 2013.”

Mr Nahu-Senaye highlighted and acknowledged also the contributions being made by the 200 local Rotarians who are organized in 12 local clubs, as well as the international Rotarians who visit Ethiopia annually to advocate for polio eradication. In closing his remarks, he reiterated that Rotary will continue to strengthen its support to improve the health of the Ethiopian population.

In the event attended by colleagues from UNICEF, WHO, Rotary International and members of the press, Mr. Nahu-Senaye Araya handed over to Ms. Patrizia DiGiovani and Dr Khaled Bessaoud, Country Rrepresentative of UNICEF and WHO Ethiopia a check in the amount of ETB 1,604,015.60 and ETB 1,879,031.28 respectively.

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Rotary International donates financial support for Polio Eradication activities

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