Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS II) Review “At a Glance”

Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS II) Review “At a Glance”

The WHO Nigeria organized a one-day stakeholders’ meeting on 30th January 2013 as part of the process to review WHO Country Cooperation Strategy CCSII (2008-2013) and development the 3rd generation of CCS (2014-2019). There was high level and wide participation of Stakeholders including key officials from the Federal Ministry of Health and its Agencies, Commissioners of health or their representatives from the 36 states and federal Capital Territory (FCT), development partners, the UN country team, civil society and the media. There were total of 119 participants.

The objectives of the meeting were to share the findings of internal and external review of CCSII (2008-2013); discuss the achievements, challenges/unfinished business and identify key strategic focus for CCSIII, based on lessons learnt.

The meeting was declared open by the Honorable Minister of Health, Professor Onyebuchi Chukwu (on mission out of the country), represented by the Director of Family Health, Dr. Wapada Balami. He commended WHO for its remarkable contributions to the improving the health of Nigerians and appealed the sustenance of the support for the NSHDP in the CCSIII.

Stakeholders made recommendations for WHO/Nigeria CCSIII based on the presented findings from CCSII review, group work and plenary discussions. The strategic objectives of CCS II were considered still relevant. It was  thus recommended to focus on five strategic areas namely, Strengthen Health Systems within the Context of PHC, Addressing Social Determinants of Health and Health Promotion;  Scaling up evidence based priority interventions towards UHC;  Partnership, Coordination and Resource Mobilization;  as well as, Linking the work of WHO Nigeria with National, Regional and Global Initiatives.

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