Eritrea Marked World Diabetes Day 2017

Eritrea Marked World Diabetes Day 2017

World Diabetes Day 2017 was observed in Eritrea on 14 November 2017 nationally in the port city of Assab and in all zobas with the theme entitled: "Our right to a healthy future" as a diabetic week.  In this very important commemoration day the officials from the MOH Southern Red Sea, Administrator of Southern Red Sea, Directors of health services of the MOH and Chairperson of Diabetic Association, WHO staff and faith based organizations were present. The commemoration was officially opened by the Eritrean National Diabetes Association (ENDA).

Dr. Goitom Mebrahtu, chairman of the Eritrean National Diabetes Association highlighted that instance of non-communicable diseases in general and that of diabetes in particular is on the rise at global level, and that tackling such trend requires joint venture.

The Eritrean Diabetic Association is a strong and well organized with devoted members.   The association works to for voice of the members to be heard, though campaigns to promote affordable and equitable access for all women with diabetes or at risk of diabetes to the essential medicines and technologies, self-management education and information they require to achieve optimal diabetes outcomes and strengthen their capacity to prevent type 2 diabetes so that everyone with the Right to realize the highest attainable standard of Health without Stigma and Discrimination’. Furthermore, the aim of the association is to exchange experience with other countries and to strengthen the potential of the members.

The core message of the day was all women with diabetics to get free health care services and to have good knowledge on prevention, self-management and live better life and with hope.

WHO   will continue its support to promote that everyone with the Right to realize the highest attainable standard of Health without Stigma and Discrimination’ and No One Left Behind.

November 14th is a significant date in the diabetes calendar because it marks the birthday of the man who co-discovered insulin, Frederick Banting. Banting discovered insulin in 1922, alongside Charles Best.

Diabetes is the ninth leading cause of death in women globally, causing 2.1 million deaths each year.  Poor diet and nutrition, physical inactivity, tobacco consumption and harmful use of alcohol are risk factors for diabetics so thing to be avoided. Stigmatization and discrimination faced by people with diabetes are particularly pronounced for girls and women, who carry a double burden of discrimination because of their health status and the inequalities perpetrated in male dominated societies.  
Diabetes is a disease in which blood sugar (glucose) levels in your body are too high. Diabetes can cause serious health problems, including heart attack or stroke, blindness, problems during pregnancy, and kidney failure. More than 13 million women have diabetes, or about one in 10 women ages 20 and older.


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Mrs Selam Berhane

Information Assistant
WHO Country Office Eritrea
Work Phone: +291 1 114171/114175
Ext: 34419
Email: berhanes [at] (berhanes[at]who[dot]int)