South Sudan News

South Sudan
Dr. Boris Pavlin, WHO Epidemiologist  demonstrates the use of an EWARS mobile phone during the training

With support from WHO, the Ministry of Health to rollout Mobile Phone-Based Surveillance System to every health facility in South Sudan

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The NRRT testing the SoPs and activation and deployment mechanisms

South Sudan conducts an Ebola Tabletop Exercise

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Participants of the influenza sentinel surveillance training

South Sudan strengthens the country’s capacity to detect, investigate and respond seasonal and pandemic Influenza

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Sudão do Sul inicia vacinação de profissionais de saúde contra contra o vírus do Ébola

Sudão do Sul inicia vacinação de profissionais de saúde contra contra o vírus do Ébola

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H.E Gen Taban Deng Gai cuts the ribbon during the opening of the IDU

A new multipurpose Infectious Disease Unit opens in Juba, South Sudan

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Review of records in health facilities

Situation Update on the Yellow Fever outbreak in South Sudan

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Dr Maleghemi leading the discussion on the accountability system and its impact on staff performance

WHO reviews the Expanded Programme on Immunization/ Polio Eradication Initiative to improve immunization and surveillance strategies

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Participants in a group photo with the facilitators

South Sudan set to vaccinate targeted healthcare and frontline workers operating in high risk states against Ebola

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Ms Betty Araba of UNAIDS swabbing her mouth for an oral fluid sample for self-testing

South Sudan commemorates the World AIDS Day 2018

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