Global Dialogue Meeting on role of non-State actors in supporting Member States in tackling NCDs

Global Dialogue Meeting on role of non-State actors in supporting Member States in tackling NCDs

Global Dialogue Meeting on the role of non-State actors in supporting Member States in their national efforts to tackle noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development


Intercontinental Hotel, Balaclava, Mauritius, 19-21 October 2016

Countries have committed to four time-bound commitments to attain national targets and implement national multisectoral NCD action plans through the “best buy” interventions to reduce NCD risk factors and by strengthening health systems to address NCDs.

The Global Dialogue Meeting will focus on the role of non-State actors in supporting Member States in their efforts to implement the WHO Global NCD Action Plan 2013–2020 in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The focus will be on three overarching areas of national governance:

  1. NCD action plans;
  2. NCD multisectoral mechanisms, and
  3. NCD monitoring, evaluation and accountability.

In relation to the above governance areas, the objectives of the Dialogue are to discuss:

  • How can non-State actors support in developing and implementing national multisectoral NCD action plans?
  • How can non-State actors support the establishment of national multisectoral mechanisms for NCDs?
  • When and how can governments engage and mobilize the private sector to support national NCD responses?
  • How can non-State actors support governments to monitor and evaluate NCD responses?

An additional  session will  be  dedicated  to  looking  closer  at  the  when  and  how  governments  can engage  the  private  sector  in  national  NCD  responses  and  another on the WHO  Global  Communications Campaign  on  NCDs, which has  a public  engagement component of  relevance  to  all  stakeholders  including non-State actors.

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