
The Work of WHO in the African Region, 2010 - Report of the Regional Director

The Work of WHO in the African Region, 2010 - Report of the Regional Director

The WHO African Region Strategic Directions 2010–2015, de ned in line with the Millennium Development Goals, the WHO 11th General Programme of Work 2006–2015, the WHO Medium Term Strategic Plan 2008–2013 and WHO’s core functions, provide speci c guidance for the work of the WHO Secretariat in the Region. The context within which WHO operated during the year under review was challenging while also providing opportunities for implementing the global health agenda in the African Region. Despite the current global nancial crisis and its signi cant impact on the socioeconomic situation and health funding at country and international levels, many countries and international development partners made efforts to meet their commitments to health funding. The health systems in some countries showed signi cant improvement, although gaps in leadership and governance, insuf cient nancing and inadequate health workforce remain major bottlenecks.