Lesotho reviews Primary Health Care Strategy, Community Health Worker policy and Min...

The Ministry of Health conducted a two day consultative meeting to review three documents that are aimed at revitalizing Primary Health Care from the 05th to 06th December 2012.The documents include the Primary Health Care Strategy, Community Health Worker policy and Ministry of Health supervision policy. The Director General of Health Services, Dr. Moteetee in the Ministry of Health opened the workshop. State functionaries, UN agencies, other development partners, and health implementing partners attended this consultative meeting.

The launching of National Cervical Cancer Screening Program in Lesotho

The Kingdom of Lesotho launched its National Cervical Cancer Screening Program on the 30th January 2013 at Sankatana Centre of Excellence in Maseru, with the assistance of the American People, through funding from the United States for International Development (USAID), and in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and EGPAF. The inauguration also celebrated a very important day which is celebrated every year on the 04th February, World Cancer Day, under the theme of “Know the fact about Cancer”.

Lesotho develops National Business Continuity Plan

Lesotho recently completed a training session on the development of a National business continuity plan for the country, which was followed by the development of a draft plan. Present at the training were the International Health Regulations Manager Mr Khotso Mahomo, Chief Executive Disaster Management Authority „Mé Mojaki, StratMan Consultants, Government Officials and Representatives from non-governmental organizations. Dr. Mufunda, WHO Representative, opened the training session, which took place over 3 days.

The National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory, being funded by Partners in Health, ...

The National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory, being funded by Partners in Health, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, was officially launched on the 05th February 2013 at Bots’abelo in Maseru district. The function was beautified by the presence of the Right Honorable Prime Minister, Dr. Motsoahae Thomas Thabane, government ministers including the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr. Pinkie Manamolela, United Nations, Diplomatic corps and Non-Governmental Organizations Representatives, media and community at large. 

The UN Human Security Unit Visits Lesotho to Assess Project Implementation Progress ...

The Human Security Unit (HSU) of the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS) visited Lesotho from 3-9 March 2013. The purpose of the mission was to provide an opportunity for the HSU to assess the progress of the project implementation and the application of the human security, appreciate the challenges and added value of implementing the human security approach as well as providing guidance where necessary.

Validation of costed MDG acceleration framework for reduction of maternal mortality ...

The Ministry of Health, with support from the UN country team, conducted the MAF validation workshop for stakeholders on the costed MAF action plan on the 28th March 2013. The costing of the MAF action plan was facilitated by the WHO Inter Country Support Team through Dr. Nganda from Harare and Dr. Getachew Atnafu from the WHO Ethiopia. The objective of the workshop was to share and discuss identified interventions, bottlenecks and solutions on MAF action plan and reach consensus. Director General of Health Services, Dr. Mpolai Moteetee, opened the meeting.

Newsbrief: The Commemoration of World Health Day 2013

Lesotho commemorated World Health Day on 07th April 2013 and the commemoration was hosted at Lithabaneng, Maseru under this year’s global theme; “HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE”. The function was organized by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with WHO and was beautified by the presence of the Honorable Minister of Health, Dr. Pinkie Rosemary Manamolela; Mr. Mohlakola Hlabana, WHO PHE officer speaking on behalf of the WHO Representative to Lesotho; Dr. Mpolai Moteetee, Director General of Health Service in the Ministry of Health; Dr. Lugemba Budiaki, Director of Primary Health Care; Mr.

African Vaccination Week Lesotho

The third annual African Vaccination Week (AVW) was commemorated this week in Mafeteng district, Lesotho highlighting this year’s global theme: “Saves lives prevent disabilities, vaccinate”.

Lesotho commemorates World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day was commemorated on May 31st in Thaba-Bosiu, Maseru District, under a very timely and relevant theme for Lesotho :

“Ban Tobacco Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship”.

To demonstrate that Lesotho does not need to rely on the tobacco industry to run events, the Ministry of Health, with support from the World Health Organization, organized a sports tournament for the youth of the area. Key health messages on the dangers of tobacco use were shared routinely with the crowd throughout the tournament.