WHO commends Malawi’s efforts on tuberculosis control on 2011

World STOP TB Day commemoration

Malawi joined the rest of the world in commemorating World TB Day which is entering the second year of a two-year campaign, whose theme is “On the move against tuberculosis.” The national launch took place on 24 March at Wimbe Primary School ground in Kasungu district located some 130 km north-east of the capital, Lilongwe.

The World Health Organization joined the Ministry of Health (MOH) in the commemoration launch and the guest of honor at the ceremony was the Minister of Health, Honorable Professor David Mphande, MP.

Norway's Representative on the Executive Board of WHO visits Malawi

Dr Bjorn-Inge Larsen, the World Health Organization Executive Board member, visited Malawi from 12 to 15 April 2011. Dr Larsen who is also the Chief Medical Officer of Norway visited the WHO Malawi country office (WCO) on the 12th April and shared the objectives of his visit with staff members.

Together with his entourage from the Norwegian Embassy, Dr Larsen had a briefing session on the support that the WCO provides to the Ministry of Health (MoH).

WHO Malawi Bi-Annual Newsletter 2011 Volume 2, Issue 2

In this issue:

WHO Leprosy Goodwill Ambassador visits Malawi page cover page
Leprosy active search shows cases increasing in Malawi page 2—3
Preventing violence against children: a capacity building initiative in Malawi page 4—5
News in pictures page 6
Malawi Introduces pneumococcal conjugate vaccine page 7—8
The WCO Malawi implements the global learning program page 9
Staff movement in 2011 page 10
WHO Technical Assistance to Malawi from AFRO and HQ from July to December 2011 page 11.

WHO Leprosy Elimination Goodwill Ambassador, Yohei Sasakawa, visits Malawi

Lilongwe, 13 July 2011 -- The World Health Organization (WHO) Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination and Chairman of The Nippon Foundation in Japan, Mr Yohei Sasakawa arrived in Malawi on Thursday (13 July 2011) on a three day visit.

Mr Sasakawa is visiting Malawi at a time when the country is witnessing an increase in leprosy cases.

Malawi introduces Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine

Lilongwe November 2011 -- A colorful event took place at Masintha ground in Lilongwe, Malawi, on Saturday 12 November 2011, to officially mark the introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV 13) as routine childhood vaccine in Malawi.

WHO Malawi calls for a world free of TB during the 2012 World STOP TB Day commemorat...

Lilongwe 24 March 2012 -- Malawi joined the rest of the world in commemorating World TB Day whose theme is ‘stop TB in my life time.’ The theme draws attention to the need for urgent accelerated actions to ensure that today’s children live to see a world where no one dies of TB. The national launch took place on 24 March at Chiwamba EPA ground, TA Chimutu in Lilongwe rural. Just before the function started, the Health Education Band mobilized the local community by playing TB control and prevention songs, traditional dances and comedy live on a decorated truck.

Bi-Annual Newsletter June 2012 Volume 2, Issue 3

• 2012 World Health Day commemoration demonstrates healthy life styles to prevent NCDs among civil servants cover page and page 1

• Midyear message from Dr Felicitas Zawaira World Health Organization Resident Representative page 2

• 2012 World Health Day commemoration demonstrates healthy life styles to prevent NCDs among civil servants...continued on page 3

• Malawi calls for a world free of TB on World STOP TB Day 2012 page 4—5

• News in pictures page 6

Malawi introduces the Rotavirus vaccine to reduce diarrhea illnesses and deaths amon...

On 29 October 2012, Malawi officially launched the Rotavirus vaccine children under one year of age. The launch took place in Ntchisi district, central Malawi and the guest of honor was the Vice President of the Republic of Malawi and Minister of Health, Right Honorable Khumbo Kachali. Malawi is the fourth GAVI-eligible country in Africa to roll out rotavirus vaccine in the national immunization schedule, following the footsteps of Sudan, Ghana and Rwanda.