Namibia holds an inaugural training on the management of child maltreatment

Childhood is meant to be a time of joy, growth, and development, free from violence, abuse, and exploitation. This is however not the case for over 39.6% of Namibian girls and 45.0% of Namibian boys experiencing physical, sexual, or emotional violence in their childhood according to the 2019 Violence against Children and Youth Survey.   

The first 1,000 days of life: Campaign in Omaheke Region

WHO Namibia and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) launched the 1000 Days Campaign to improve nutrition of children during the period from conception to 2 years in 2022 first in the Ohangwena Region. Since then, the campaign has expanded to other regions and Omaheke was the latest region to adapt the 1000 days campaign.