AFP Surveillance/Polio Status In Nigeria

A total of 51 wild polioviruses were isolated from 16 states in Nigeria in 2001. The virus is responsible for cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP). 33 of these were Type 1 while 18 were Type 3. Results of 20 other isolates sent to the Regional polio laboratory in Accra, Ghana for intra-typical differentiation are still being awaited.

Epidemiologists meet in Accra to discuss surveillance of diseases

Epidemiologists from WHO Africa and Eastern Mediterranean regions meet in Accra to discuss surveillance of diseases in the two regions

01 February 2002 -- Epidemiologists and Experts meeting in Accra to assess progress made in the implementation of the UN funded Project on strengthening surveillance and response for vaccine-preventable and epidemic prone diseases, have called for effective documentation to enable national programs and their partners have useful evidence based on field experience in the implementation of the project.

Nigeria holds presidential forum on HIV/AIDS

12 March 2002 -- In its continued efforts to find solutions to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the country, the Nigerian government, over the weekend, held a Presidential Forum on HIV/AIDS. Hosted by President Olusegun Obasanjo, the forum was attended by a number of dignitaries including former United States President Jimmy Carter; Co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill Gates (Snr.); Professor Jeffrey Sachs; Dr. Helen Gayle and a former Nigerian President, Dr. Yakubu Gowon.

Nigeria gets closer to eradicating poliomyelitis

13 March 2002 --For Nigeria to meet the global target of interrupting transmission of wild poliovirus by the end of this year, it has been recommended that the country conducts two rounds of Sub-National Immunization Days (SNIDs) in April and May. These will be done in the whole states of Sokoto, Kebbi, Zamfara, Kano and Jigawa as well as parts of Borno, Benue, Niger, Katsina, Kogi, Nasarawa, Kaduna and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), which are considered as high risk areas for polio transmission.

Nigeria appeals for more resources to end transmission of Wild Poliovirus

22 April 2002 -- Nigeria requires an estimated budget of about US$ 53.4 million to implement its polio eradication activities this year. The country and nine others, where wild poliovirus is still transmitted, have till the end of this year to stop its transmission, to pave way for eradication of polio and certification of a polio-free world in 2005.

However, of this amount, about US$ 38.4 million has been realised in actual funds and pledges from Government and its Partners in the Polio Eradication Initiative, leaving a funding gap of about US$15 million.

Kano State, Nigeria fully endorses OPV

Kano, Nigeria: 2 October 2004-- The Executive Governor of Kano State, Nigeria, Mallam Ibrahim Shekarau has reiterated that the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) is safe for consumption by children. He has consequently directed all Kano indigenes and indeed all Nigerians to ensure that their children below five years of age are immunized during the forthcoming National Immunization Days (NIDs) scheduled for 9th - 12th October 2004, as well as in subsequent rounds.

Sambo appeals for more funding for health

Abuja, 5 April 2005-- The developed countries of the world and Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) have been called upon to provide more resources for health, especially to African countries, so as to enable Africa achieve the health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr. Luis Gomes Sambo made the appeal in Abuja, Nigeria, at a joint Ministerial media briefing to mark this year's World Health Day in the country.

Two of a kind - Rotarians united against polio

6 April 2005 -- They are both over 70 years of age, but for Adedehin Ebunolu Adefeso, past District Governor (PDG) of District 9110 (1995-1996), and Jonathan Majiyagbe, former President of Rotary International(2003-2004), polio eradication is such a strong unifying force for the club and they have devoted their lives to promoting its ideals.

WHO Regional Director kicks off second round of polio campaigns in Zamfara state

6 April 2005  -- Enthusiasm and commitment for polio eradication was high at the flag-off of the second round of National Immunization Days at Talata Marafa local government area in Zamfara State. World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director for Africa, Dr. Luis Gomes Sambo, joined Professor E. Lambo, Federal Minister of Health and His Excellency the Executive Governor of Zamfara State Alhaji Ahmed Sani Yariman Bakura to launch the final push to stop polio for good in Zamfara state.