WHO Nigeria supports introduction of Xpert MTB/RIF technology for Diagnosis of MDR T...

In December, 2010, WHO announced the official endorsement of the new Xpert molecular technology.

Xpert MTB/RIF has been described by many as a revolutionary breakthrough in the fight against TB. Xpert MTB/RIF detects M. tuberculosis as well as Rifampicin-conferring resistant mutations and provides results within 100 minutes. It is an automated cartridge-based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test (NAAT) for TB based on the GeneXpert multi-disease platform.

WHO donates Equipment worth $330,000 for expansion of Nigeria’s TB Diagnostic Networ...

23rd March 2012 -- On the occasion of World Tuberculosis (TB) Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) in Nigeria donated TB laboratory diagnostic equipment and consumables worth $330,000 to improve TB care in Nigeria. The materials were procured with support of USAID.

The items donated included 65 binocular microscopes, 840,000 sputum containers and 540 boxes of laboratory consumable kits.

2012 World Malaria Day Celebration in Nigeria

Pledges of commitment by government and partners and advocacy for malaria prevention and control characterized interventions made  during events organized to mark this year’s World Malaria Day (WMD) in Nigeria.

The weeklong celebration kicked off with a well-attended Ministerial press conference on 24 April 2012 at the Minister’s conference room in Abuja.

Nigeria Launches Penta Vaccine

With a view to improving child health, the Nigerian government has introduced pentavalent vaccine into her routine immunization schedule. Pentavalent vaccine is a combination of five vaccines-in-one that prevents diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis b and haemophilus influenza type b, all through a single dose.

With this introduction, nearly 400,000 cases of haemophilus influenza type B would be prevented with about 27,000 lives saved annually in Nigeria.

WHO Briefs Development Partners on Polio

On Friday 29 June, 2012 -- World Health Organization Nigeria organized a polio briefing meeting for representatives of Development Partners in Abuja. The objectives of the meeting were to provide updates on the current polio situation globally, and in Nigeria; seek additional engagement and support from DPs for Nigeria’s intensified polio eradication efforts, and to identify any opportunities with ongoing humanitarian and/or other relevant development efforts.

Okello Mobilises Rotary for Polio Eradication

The Representative of the World Health Organisation in Nigeria, Dr. David Okello has urged Rotary International not to relent in its advocacy and fund raising efforts to ensure that polio is eradicated from the world.

Dr. Okello who was the keynote speaker at the installation ceremony of District Governor of Rotary International District 9110 said Rotary’s commitment to the ongoing global polio eradication initiative is not in doubt.