Down to zero – Nigeria on the path to polio eradication

Abuja, 11 September 2015 - There’s starting to be a breath of fresh air for parents in Africa, and around the world, as Nigeria approaches being removed from the notorious polio-endemic list. From more than 1122 cases in 2006 to zero today, Nigeria has made tremendous progress in polio eradication with no children being paralyzed in more than one year.

Deputy Governor becomes Disease Surveillance Ambassador in South-West Nigeria

Abeokuta, Ogun 22 September, 2015 - The Ogun state Deputy Governor Chief (Mrs) Yetunde Onanuga  in south-west Nigeria has offered to become an ambassador for disease surveillance during an advocacy meeting with the World Health Organization (WHO) state team on 22 September, 2015 at the Government House in Abeokuta.

Chief Onanuga assured the team which also presented her with surveillance roll-up banners that “I will strategically display the banners in my office and also be an ambassador for disease reporting in the state”.

North central states of Nigeria boost population immunity along nomadic routes

Abuja, 16 October 2015 - The World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with the government, has recently intensified its efforts to reach the most marginalised, hard-to-reach and nomadic communities of the North Central region of the country.

Following the adoption of a blueprint, states of Nasarawa, Niger and Plateau are working assiduously to provide the required health interventions to pastoral nomadic populations in their respective states with a view to boost population immunity and improve disease surveillance. 

WHO formally announces removal of Nigeria from polio-endemic list

Abuja, 26 October 2015 – Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) formally removes Nigeria from the list of polio-endemic countries. The announcement comes after the historic achievement of the country in interrupting the transmission of wild poliovirus for a period of 15 months, which exceeds WHO’s target for interruption. Only 2 countries (Afghanistan and Pakistan) remain polio-endemic, down from more than 125 in 1988.

Endgame strategy: WHO positions field staff to leverage on interruption of wild poli...

Abuja, 14 November, 2015: The recent removal of Nigeria from the list of polio endemic countries notwithstanding, the Immunization, Vaccines and Emergencies (IVE) cluster of the World Health Organization (WHO) is re-strategizing for the final push to eradicate polio in Nigeria. In its latest strategy, the cluster plans to leverage on the recorded gains in interruption of WPV towards certification in 2017.

WHO warns climate change to threaten human health in Nigeria

Abuja, 16 November 2015: Climate change is threatening to worsen health problems in Nigeria, the World Health Organization warns in a new Climate and Health Country Profile 2015, published today.  Increased temperatures, intense heatwaves, more extreme rainfall and  floods are expected to intensify existing challenges of communicable diseases, food insecurity and poverty, if action is not taken. 

Nigeria Flags off National Measles Campaign - targeting over 39 million children for...

Abuja, 23 November, 2015: Nigeria has launched the 2015 Measles campaign in Abuja, targeting the vaccination of 39 million children between 9 and 59 months of age across the country. The two-phase follow-up campaign is scheduled to be implemented in the 19 states of the North and the Federal Capital Territory from 21-23 November 2015, while 28 January-1 February 2016 are the dates reserved for the southern states.