Nigeria Situation Report, 31 October to 6 November 2016

WHO and Borno State Ministry of Health have trained 89 participants including data collectors and rolled out data collection for Health Resources and Services Availability Mapping System (HeRAMS) in Borno targeting 360 health facilities.

As part of its efforts to control malaria in newly liberated areas, WHO has supported Borno State Ministry of Health to train 80 health workers including clinicians on the use of Rapid Diagnostic Kits (RDTs) and case management for malaria.

Nigeria launches the 2015 National Malaria Indicator Survey

Abuja, 08 November 2016 - The Honourable Minister of Health, Professor Isaac Adewole launched the  National Malaria Indicator Survey (MIS) 2015 report in Abuja on 7 November, 2016. The survey was conducted by National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) in collaboration with National Population Council and National Bureau of Statistics, with technical support from ICF international, US Presidents Malaria Initiative, WHO and UKAid.

WHO and partners support measles vaccination in Borno State, Nigeria

WHO and health partners helped vaccinate more than 10 000 children against measles in 2 days in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in the conflict-affected Borno State.

Since 6 June 2016, health clinics in IDP camps in Borno State have seen increasing numbers of measles cases. From early September until late October, 744 suspected cases of measles, and 2 deaths, were reported from WHO-established EWARS reporting sites. The majority of these children had never been vaccinated against measles and most of them were aged less than 5 years.

Borno Health Sector Bulletin, 12 November 2016

Suspected Measles cases continue to spur across IDPs camps spite ongoing routine immunization activities. As part of a phase I measles campaign, Borno State Ministry of Health and partners conducted reactive measles vaccination in three camps: Muna Garage, Custom House and Fariya informal camp.

The total vaccinated children aged 6 months to 15 years was 13,537 with vaccination coverage of 98.2%.

Reactive measles vaccination campaigns are ongoing targeting 16 camps in MMC and Jere LGAs.

Nigerian Crisis Situation Report, 12 November 2016

WHO has delivered two IEHKs (Interagency Emergency Health Kits) to the Maiduguri State Specialist Hospital and one IEHK to the Umaru Sehu Hospital in Maiduguri. Each kit contains essential medicines and medical supplies to treat 10,000 people for three months.

Malaria and Post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) modules were also provided as part of these kits.

Moreover, WHO delivered 15,500 Malaria RDTs to the Malaria Control Unit of the Borno State Ministry of Health.

Another Public Health Chapter Opens in Nigeria with Historic Unveiling of Modular La...

Ibadan, 18 November, 2016 - Public health in Nigeria recorded a historic event in Ibadan, Oyo State on 18 November, 2016 with the commissioning of a Modular Laboratory (lab). The modular lab, which was handed over to the Department of Virology, University of Ibadan, by the World Health Organization (WHO) was purchased with a grant from United States Agency for International Aid (USAID). The lab is expected to primarily support polio eradication activities in Nigeria.