Sierra Leone News

Sierra Leone maximizes protection against polio with new vaccine launch

FREETOWN, February 23 2018 --- Today Sierra Leone officially introduced injectable polio vaccine (or IPV) into its routine immunization programme to maximize protection against polio. IPV is used in many countries around the world to prevent the debilitating disease, and will now be available free of cost alongside the oral vaccine at health facilities across Sierra Leone. 

Sierra Leone to accelerate action on tobacco control with support from the United Na...

FREETOWN, 13 February 2018 --- Senior global officials from the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) Secretariat, WHO and the United Nations Development Programme have joined Sierra Leone's Ministry of Health and Sanitation in calling for accelerated action to reduce tobacco consumption in the country. The call was made at a major national meeting of stakeholders in the capital, Freetown today.

Advancing neglected tropical disease elimination in Sierra Leone

FREETOWN, January 15 2018 --- With support from WHO, Helen Keller International and partners, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation is advancing efforts towards the elimination and control of onchocerciasis, or 'river blindness'. The country has also launched its revised five-year National Action Plan (2016-2020) for Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) elimination.

Saving lives through streamlined emergency care

FREETOWN, December 15 2017 --- In 2017, a new programme was introduced in regional and district hospitals in Sierra Leone, to accelerate and strengthen emergency treatment for severely sick children. Supported by UK aid, WHO and partners, the Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment Programme (ETAT+) has already shown extremely promising results, including significant reductions in mortality.

Supporting breastfeeding to boost child survival

FREETOWN, December 4 2017 --- This November, Sierra Leone’s Directorate of Food and Nutrition with support from WHO and UKAid organised a five-day training for hospital staff on the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), which is an initiative pioneered by WHO and UNICEF to help maternity facilities become trusted centres of breastfeeding and mother/baby bonding support. 

Tackling antibiotic resistance in Sierra Leone

Staff from the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and student pharmacists engaged thousands of children at schools this week around Western Area Urban and Rural on safe antibiotic use, during commemorations of World Antibiotic Awareness Week. Other teams including those in the districts also engaged health workers, pharmacists and those working in the animal sector to promote safe and responsible use and dispensing of antibiotics among these groups, as well as adequate infection prevention and control in healthcare settings.

WHO, AfDB donate 75 vehicles for disease surveillance and emergency response

FREETOWN, November 16 2017 --- At a handover ceremony today, the World Health Organization in collaboration with the African Development Bank (AfDB) donated 75 vehicles to Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health and Sanitation. The vehicles, which include 18 cars and 57 motorbikes, will be used to support disease surveillance and response to outbreaks and other public health emergencies.