Sierra Leone News

WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti visits Sierra Leone

Freetown, 22 February 2015 -- Today, Dr Matshidiso Moeti, the newly elected WHO Regional Director for Africa, starts her four-day visit to Sierra Leone to get a better understanding of the Ebola response activities on the ground and reconfirm her commitment to the on-going Ebola outbreak. As of 20 February, Sierra Leone has reported 8244 confirmed Ebola cases, including 3066 deaths. While the number of new cases appears to be declining over the past weeks, a mixed picture emerges in different districts.

Tracking Ebola in the fishing community of Aberdeen in Freetown, Sierra Leone

11 March 2015 - In February 2015, cases of Ebola began appearing among the community of fishermen living in the coastal area of Aberdeen in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Over 20 cases occurred at the same time, suggesting they had been infected by one source, possibly an unsafe burial. WHO and partners immediately sent teams into the district to work with the community to identify all Ebola cases and those who had been in contact with them, to prevent further infections.

Last Ebola case in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone celebrated an important milestone on Monday, 24 August 2015. For the first time in more than a year, there are no people being treated for Ebola virus disease and no confirmed cases of Ebola in the country.

Sierra Leone Makes progress in malaria Control and commemorates World Malaria Day

FREETOWN –1st May 2014 - The Minister of Health and Sanitation Madam Miata Kargbo launched the Sierra Leone Malaria Indicator Survey 2013 during World Malaria Day 2014 held at the Saint Anthony’s hall in Freetown. The Minister applauded the progress made in malaria control noting that “we have a reason to celebrate our achievements” She commended the efforts of Ministry of Health Staff and partners for their contribution but pointed out that the country has to do more to reach its goal.

Sierra Leone Disseminates WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Assessment Rep...


The World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC) is the first international health treaty negotiated under the auspices of the WHO and was adopted by the World Health Assembly in May 2003. It has since become one of the most widely and rapidly embraced treaties in the history of the United Nations, with 176 Parties to date.

The Republic of Sierra Leone ratified the WHO FCTC on 22 May 2009 as the 165th country to do so. The Convention entered into force for Sierra Leone on 20 August 2009.

Sierra Leone launches 2013 Demographic and Health Survey preliminary report

Preliminary report of Sierra Leone’s 2013 Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) was launched on 28 January 2014 by Dr Keifala Mara, Minister of Finance and Economic Development in Freetown. The report was launched in a gathering of a cross section of the public and government officials, development partner including the UN, the donor community, civil society and other strategic partners.

Ministry of Health Launches National NCDs Policy and Strategic Plan 2013-2017

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) launched Sierra Leone’s national Policy and a five year Strategic Plan (2013-2017) on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) on 6 September 2013. The documents were launched by the Minister of Health and Sanitation Madam Miatta Kargbo during a symposium on the prevalence and burden of NCDs in the country. In addition a health fair was held to raise public awareness on the major risk factors of NCDs.