Improvement of access to ANC services by pregnant women

Improvement of access to ANC services by pregnant women

WHO, at the request of South Africa's Department of Health, has been providing technical assistance with the development of the National Strategy on Community Mobilization for PMTCT to address late booking.

South Africa's 2010 data showed  major bottlenecks and gaps which included  (i) late booking for ANC, (ii) poor postnatal follow up and (iii) lack of community involvement in maternal and child health (MCH). Considering also the fifth strategic objective in the National Action Framework for EMTCT to ‘increase awareness and community involvement in the PMTCT programme integrated with maternal, neonatal, child and women’s health” (MNCWH) the national community mobilisation strategy was developed to address these issues in collaboration with WHO and other UN partners.

During 2014, the strategy would guide development of operational plans at the Provincial and District levels that would address community involvement.