From Kabul to Kitgum: A journey of hope and resilience

From Kabul to Kitgum: A journey of hope and resilience

In the war-torn streets of Kabul, bombed-out buildings stood as stark reminders of a life disrupted. Families, including one young boy's, struggled to rebuild amidst the chaos. For this boy, survival was not the only battle; his greatest fight was for an education.

School was a fragile promise. On some days, there were no classrooms—just open spaces where children sat on the dirt, balancing books on their knees. Other days, the threat of violence kept them at home. When they did manage to attend school, they faced a shortage of teachers and materials. Yet, they held onto hope. Hope that education could be their escape. Hope that someone, somewhere, believed in their potential.

That belief came from the United Nations and international organizations. These entities stepped in, providing books, rebuilding classrooms, and most importantly, instilling the belief that these children's futures mattered. Thanks to their efforts, the boy completed high school and graduated from Kabul Medical University in Afghanistan.

Decades later, this boy, Amran Mohammad Yosuf, found himself on the other side of the story-now working with the World Health Organization (WHO) as a Technical Officer in the Uganda Country Office. His work takes him across borders, from one emergency to another. It was in Kitgum, northern Uganda, that his past and present converged.

While in Kitgum last year, Yosuf visited a school where children sat on the ground, just as he once had. There were no desks, no proper classrooms—only the children's unwavering determination to learn. The sight struck a deep chord within him. In their faces, he saw his younger self: a boy with dreams far bigger than his circumstances.

This experience highlights a profound truth; experience shapes not only who we are but also how we serve others. His journey had come full circle. He was no longer just a doctor or a health professional; he was someone who had once sat in the same dust, felt the same hunger for opportunity, and known the impact of compassion from strangers.

Empathy, he realized, is crucial in global health. Data and strategies are important, but they mean nothing if the human beings behind them are forgotten. He knew firsthand what it was like to be on the receiving end of international aid—not as a statistic, but as a child whose life was transformed because someone cared enough to act.

This is why organizations like WHO and the UN must continue their work. They are not just responding to crises; they are shaping futures. Yosuf's life was living proof of that.

But this story is not just about Yosuf. It is about every child in Kitgum, in Kabul, and in countless other places where potential waits to be nurtured. Their futures depend on whether the world chooses to invest in them or turn away.

The global community cannot afford to turn away. Continued support for WHO, the UN, and other organizations fighting to give children a chance is essential. Every act of support—no matter how small—does not just change lives. It creates doctors, leaders, and changemakers who will one day stand where Yousef stands today.

Because sometimes, the children invested in today will be the ones who shape the world tomorrow.


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For Additional Information or to Request Interviews, Please contact:
Anthony Bugembe

Communications Associate
WHO Uganda Country Office
Email: afwcougcom [at] (afwcougcom[at]who[dot]int)
Phone: +256740487734




Chinyere Nwonye

Emergencies Communications Officer
WHO Africa Regional Office
nwonyec [at] (nwonyec[at]who[dot]int)