
Regional workshop - Strengthening clinical trials to provide high-quality evidence on health interventions and to improve research quality and coordination

Regional workshop - Strengthening clinical trials to provide high-quality evidence on health interventions and to improve research quality and coordination

At the 75th World Health Assembly, a resolution (WHA75.8) was passed with the mandate to prepare a global guidance on best practices to help guide Member States’ implementation of scientifically and ethically sound clinical trials as well as guidance on best practices for non-State actors in the design and conduct of clinical trials and in strengthening the global clinical trial ecosystem.

Currently a draft guidance has been formulated from insights gathered from a Technical Advisory Group (TAG) with global leading experts in clinical trial and health research methodology, regulation, and research ethics. To ensure the relevance and usefulness of the guidance for successful implementation of the resolution, input is to be gathered from a global consultation and three regional consultations from WHO regions that will engage key stakeholders from government bodies, research organizations, academia, industry, and civil society to ensure the relevance and usefulness of the Guidance for successful implementation of the resolution. The final Guidance will be reviewed by the TAG and approved by WHO prior to its publication.