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SAV Activités dans les pays



Activités de communication (Plaidoyer, sensibilisation, mobilisation sociale, production des matériels de formation sur l’IEC/media briefing)


  • Plaidoyer auprès des gouvernements provinciaux et municipaux afin d'atteindre une couverture vaccinale d'au moins 90% dans tous les antigènes;
  • Mobilisation sociale de masse pour augmenter les taux de CV dans les zones à faible couverture vaccinale;
  • Intensification des activités de mobilisation sociale et de communication pour renforcer la vaccination de routine dans 10 des 18 provinces ayant les taux de couverture vaccinale les plus faibles (Luanda, Benguela, Huíla, K. Sul, Bié, Uíge, Cabinda, Cunene, Huambo);
  • Renforcer les partenariats et les messages axés sur les groupes cibles

Activités de communication

  • Diffusion de la déclaration d'Addis-Abeba pour le financement de la vaccination.

Introduction de nouveau vaccin

  • Réintroduction du VPI dose complète 

Activités de communication

  • Organisation d’un forum sur la vaccination au cours duquel la FDR sur la déclaration d’Addis Abeba sera présentée aux partis prenants du PEV
  • Marche de sensibilisation du public et émissions radio télévisées sur la vaccination

Activités de vaccination/rattrapage

  • Activités de vaccination intensifiées dans les districts / aires de santé à faible couverture, les zones à sécurité compromise, les zones d’accès difficiles (îles, montagnes…), les campements de réfugiés, nomades et déplacés internes.
République Centrafricaine

Activités de communication

  • Plaidoyer auprès des Autorités politiques (nationales et locales) et auprès des partenaires au développement (Agences UN, ONGs, coopération multi- et bilatérale).

Activités de vaccination/rattrapage

  • Le rattrapage des enfants non/ incomplètement vaccinés

Introduction de nouveau vaccin

  • La vaccination multi-antigène y compris le MenA (campagne et introduction dans la routine) dans les districts de la RS6 qui n’avaient pas bénéficié de vaccination en 2017

Activités de déparasitage/Comprimés vermifuges

  • le déparasitage à l’albendazole dans les districts de la RS6

Supplementation en vitamine A

  • La supplémentation en vitamine A dans les districts de la RS6

Distribution des MILDA

  • La distribution des MILDA dans les districts de la RS6

Activités de communication
Appuyer les activités de sensibilisation des leaders communautaires par les maires des chefs-lieux des régions

  • Appuyer les activités de sensibilisation et de mobilisation sociale par les leaders religieux ;
  • Organiser une table ronde radiodiffusée sur la vaccination ;
  • Organiser le lancement officiel sous le Haut patronage de la Première Dame

Activités de vaccination/rattrapage

  • Organiser des activités intégrées de vaccination (vaccination de routine) en stratégie  mobile dans les 3 localités à concentration des nomades retenus : Abougoudam, Kyabé et Kinesserom

Supplémentation en vitamine A

  • supplémentation en vitamine A en stratégie  mobile dans les 3 localités à concentration des nomades retenus : Abougoudam, Kyabé et Kinesserom

Activités de déparasitage/comprimés vermifuges

  • le déparasitage en stratégie  mobile dans les 3 localités à concentration des nomades retenu : Abougoudam, Kyabé et Kinesserom

Distribution des MILDA

  • distribution de moustiquaires en stratégie  mobile dans les 3 localités à concentration des nomades retenus : Abougoudam, Kyabé et Kinesserom

Activités de communication

  • Réunion de Plaidoyer;
  • Activités de mobilisation de proximité par les mobilisateurs ;
  • Diffusion des tribunes télévisées et émissions à travers xx chaînes de radio – et xx chaînes de TV ;
  • Evaluer les émissions diffusées ;
  • Organisation des causeries éducatives ;
  • Production des supports de communication 

Activités de vaccination/rattrapage

  • Rattrapage des abandons vaccinaux
République Démocratique du Congo

Activités de communication

  • Plaidoyer (auprès des leaders de groupes réfractaires à la vaccination dans les DPS de Tanganyika, Haut Katanga et Haut Lomami) ;
  • Mobilisation sociale/ sensibilisation (journée porte ouverte PEV à l’intention des professionnels des médias,  Organiser les matinées de sensibilisation à l’intention des étudiants dans les universités (Unikin, Upc, Upn, Ucc, Isp) ;

Activités de vaccination/rattrapage

  • Prestations des services  (séances de vaccination journalières dans les AS de toutes les ZS particulièrement celles affectées par le cVDPV et celles à faible performance dans le Tanganyika, Haut-Lomami, Haut-Katanga, Lualaba, Kasaï, Kasaï central, Kinshasa, Kongo central et Sud-Kivu ;
Guinée Equatoriale

Activités de communication

  • Diffuser l'étude de cas d'Evinayong, à travers les médias et les discours des leaders de ce processus, lors du lancement de la Semaine de la vaccination. Ce district a des normes internationales en termes de couverture vaccinale de tous les antigènes (étude de cas jointe). Il s'agit de promouvoir les bonnes pratiques et de stimuler / inspirer d'autres districts à faire de même.
  • Lancement de la nouvelle marque du PEV. Cette activité comprend des GIF qui seront diffusés par des entreprises de télévision et de téléphonie mobile, diffusés par radio, des pièces de théâtre devant être jouées par les vaccinateurs lors du lancement de la semaine de vaccination et un chœur d'enfants lors du lancement de la Semaine de la vaccination.

Activités de vaccination/rattrapage

  • Intensifier la vaccination dans le district avec la couverture la plus faible dans le pays: Anisok (Plan ci-joint). Ceci pour augmenter la couverture et montrer une procédure efficace pour augmenter et garder une bonne couverture
Sao Tomé & Principe

Communication activities

  • Awareness raising, communication and social mobilization (Distribution of production / dissemination of communication media)
  • Resource mobilization

Catch-up vaccination activities

  • Mobilization activity for the recruitment of unvaccinated or partially vaccinated children by CHWs and activists
  • Displacement of mobile vaccination teams in hard-to-reach districts / localities
  • Vaccination of children in fixed strategies


Burkina Faso

Communication activities

  • Raising the awareness of media players, NGOs and associations about after-sales service • Realization and diffusion of radio spots and TV 
  • Organization of information meeting of administrative, religious and customary authorities, media officer, NGO members

Catch-up vaccination activities

  • Organize catch-up immunization sessions in fixed and advanced strategy
Cap Vert

Communication activities

  • Disclosure of the Addis Ababa Declaration

New vaccine introduction

  • Introduction of the anti-mite vaccine into the routine EPI and communication in the EPI
  • Introduction of yellow fever vaccine in the routine EPI and communication in the EPI
Cote d'Ivoire

Communication activities

  • Routine EPI multimedia campaign
  • Awareness of the health of mother and child 
  • Immunization session for children from 0 to 11 months and pregnant women
  • Open days from May 3rd to May 9th, led by the DC-EPI with the collaboration of the Koumassi-Port-Vridi health district management team and the participation of programs in charge of maternal and child health (PNSME, PNN, PNLP, PNLS) 
  • Organization of a media and health workshop with journalists in charge of health issues (Forum MediaVac)
  •  Advertorial on vaccination; spot radio and television will be realized and diffused on the national chains of television, from April 25 to May 02 
  • Sensitization of people using T-shirts, banners and posters

Communication activities

  • March Pass and  Press conference
  • Radio talkshows 
  • Public speaking and visits to public places
  • Clinic Health talks
  • TV Experts Panel

Communication activities
AVW mixed with Child Health Promotion Week (CHPW) will coincide with the celebration of the 40th anniversary of EPI in Ghana

Dates: from January to May with official national launch in May/ Interventions will include:

  • IPV introduction into RI (March)

Catch-up vaccination

  • Immunization integrated with growth monitoring, distribution of Long lasting insecticide nets (May-June)

New vaccine introduction

  • Press briefing (April)

Distribution of LLINs

  • distribution of Long lasting insecticide nets (May-June)

Mother and Child Health Weeks

  • AVW mixed with Child Health Promotion Week (CHPW)

Communications activities

  • National and Counties level launch 
  • Stakeholder consultative forum
  •  (Press release , Media briefing and radio talk shows, Broadcasting of EPI messages on radio and TV)
  • Health Education on Immunization at all EPI health facilities

Communication activities

  • Advocacy, radio programs, media production, social mobilization days, immunization and other community activities. Some activities that contribute to achieving the goals of the week include: 
  • Production and dissemination of TV / radio firmware in national languages, 
  • Organization of a press conference for information and mobilization of the media. 
  • Organization of an information day for leaders of women's groups Media coverage of national TV and cherifla

Communication activities

  • Advocacy with decision makers for immunization
  • Social mobilization activities at all levels of the health system
  • Organization of a media partner in the public and private media
  • Sensitize the community and community structures on vaccination

Catch-up vaccination

  • Catch-up on vaccination of children aged 0-23 months and pregnant women in areas with low immunization coverage

Communication activities

  • Advocacy Meetings (because of Gavi transition context and low awareness of vaccines in the country)
  • Service delivery (provision of 12 health camp kits for Kogi state, provision of mega phones, RI antigens, Canopies, chairs, Tables; outreach sessions in 2 proposed States (Anambra and Yobe States)   
  • Media and communication including use of Social media
  • Production of IEC materials including among other release of 1,500 T-shirts and caps
  • Photographic documentation of the AVW

Communication activities

  • Great Advocacy Activity with the Minister of Health (TBC)
Sierra Leone

Communication activities

  • Orientate members of the print and electronic media
  • Conduct one day orientation for sixty members of the press on the benefits of vaccination and how it relates to national development. Emphasis will be put on the need to have children vaccinated at the correct age (Valid doses).
  • Radio Discussion
  • Weekly phone in radio discussions will be broadcast on national and regional levels for a period of one month. 
  • Sensitization of community leaders and CHWs on immunization in 
  • Ward level sensitization meeting targeting mothers/care givers, opinion leaders and community health workers. 
  • Launching of AVW
  • AVW will be launched at ward level in Western area.
  • Monitoring and Supervision
  • Implementation of the planned activities will be supervised by Health Education Division and the District Health Management Team.

Communication activities

  • Working lunch (stakeholder engagement) 
  • Media campaign (Intervention on the national channel, diffusion of the spots on the radios of proximity, interview, insertion press) 
  • Social mobilization (official launch and regional launch, programs on local radio stations for vaccination

Catch-up vaccination activities

  • Vaccination in advanced strategies especially in districts with low immunization coverage according to



Activités de communication

  • Sensibiliser les populations difficiles d’accès à la SAV
  • Mener des activités de commémoration dans un district (lancement au district)
  • Assurer une supervision formative dans 2 districts
  • Mener des activités d'éducation de la population sur le service après-vente

Communication activities

  • Vaccinate against vaccine-preventable diseases (BCG, DTP …) at least 90% of eligible children from 0 to 11 months and catch at least 95% of children aged 0 to 11 months unvaccinated in 2017

Vitamin A administration

  • Vitamin A supplementation to at least 90% of children from 6 to 59 months
  • Give Albendazole to at least 90% of children from 6 to 59 months
  • Detect cases of vaccine-preventable diseases such as Acute Flaccid Paralysis, suspected measles cases and neonatal tetanus

Distribution of LLINS

  • Distribution of LLINs

Communication activities

  • Create awareness on the importance of vaccination and provide health education before the immunization service for consecutive 5 days during the AVW.
  • Increasing demand for vaccination at community level through social mobilization using community gathering opportunities.
  • Support to Zobas to implement social mobilization using TV and radio spots to increase vaccine dose uptake and decrease dropout rates.
  • Prepare and distribute to Zobas hanging banners reflecting the African Vaccination theme using local languages.

Communication activities

  • Conduct national advocacy workshop on strengthening data quality and new vaccine introduction focused in MCV2
  • Increase the awareness of communities on immunization including the new vaccines such as MCV2 through media campaign and other strategies
  • Strengthen the AVW 2018 implementation by reviewing the lesson learned of past AVW in selected regions
  • Strengthen Interpersonal communication skill of services providers through distributing all produced IPC job aids at health facility level
  • Advocate and promote the revised maternal and child health card in health facilities for better retention

Communication activities

  • ACSM Planning meetings
  • Development of messages & advocacy kits on WIW
  • Press release by Ministry of Health on WIW
  • Conduct media briefing meeting
  • Develop and air media messages in National & Regional FM Stations
  • Conduct launch event (GAVI/HSS Project to be launched)
  • Support local journalist to cover WIW activities
  • Development of comprehensive plans and budget
  • Conduct partners/stakeholders sensitization meetings
  • Development & printing of IEC material(100/County)
  • Community dialogues
  • Technical support to Counties and sub counties

Communication activities

  • Strengthening demand stimulation activities related to the SSME package of activities, including the EPI: Advocacy, CCC, community mobilization
  • Organization of a contest on Facebook with award ceremony at the official launch of the AVW / SSME
  • Strengthening demand stimulation activities related to the SSME package of activities, including the EPI: Advocacy, CCC, community mobilization
  • Reproduction of the visibility supports of the VAS (vaccine calendar keychain, T-shirt,)

Catch-up vaccination activities

  • Immunize children aged 0 to 11 months against vaccine-preventable diseases (BCG, DTP, HepB-Hib, VAR, etc.) with advanced and fixed strategies. with Active search of lost children
  • Vaccination of pregnant women (VAT)
  • Vaccine catch-up for children from 12 to 24 months
  • Active search for cases of MEV (PFA, suspicion measles, TNN…) and investigation.

Mother and child Health weeks

  • To be integrated with Child Health Week

Deworming tablets

  • Deworming of children aged 12 to 59 months, pregnant women> 4 months, acute malnutrition in children aged 6 to 59 months in areas with CRENAS

Vitamin A Administration

  • Vitaminin A administration for children from 6 to 59 months

Malnutrition screening

  • Research of acute malnutrition in children aged 6 to 59 months in areas with CRENAS

Communication activities

  • Development of Radio Jingles on immunization
  • Development of Radio messages immunization benefits
  • Cost of air time for jingles (28 days airtime)
  • Panel Discussion with decision makers and service providers: Chief of Health Services
  • EPI program manager, World Health Organization and UNICEF (23 April 2018)
  • Community radio phone in programs in selected 10 problematic districts (23 – 29 April 2018)
  • Letters to traditional leaders from Secretary for Health
  • AVW WHO/MOH press statement in Nation, Daily Times and Malawi News
  • Centre spread of child immunization for weekend papers 29 April
  • Letters to DHOs from Secretary for Health
  • Health Talks in all health facilities -24 April to 24 May 2017
  • Press briefing for African Vaccination Week (transport, snacks and water)
  • Media tour to health facilities and communities (fuel and lunch)

Communication activities

  • To create awareness for MR introduction

Communication activities

  • To create awareness on the importance of routine immunization and support districts to implement routine immunization activities.
  • Increasing demand for vaccination services at community level in low performing health districts.
  • Provide financial support to the 10 districts in the country to implement social mobilization activities to reach the un-and under immunized children less than 5years.
  • Translate the Parent’s Guide to Immunization in Afrikaans, Oshiwambo and Otjiherero
  • Layout and design of the translated Parental Guide
  • Print the Guide in all 4 languages, English, Afrikaans, Oshiwambo and Otjiherero
  • Launch the Parent Guide to Immunization through a media event
  • Sensitizing/orienting health care providers on the use of the parental guide in at least 10 health districts with a low coverage
  • Distribute the Parent guide to low performing health districts
  • Provide funds to these districts to implement social mobilization activities.
  • Full page placement in one of the local newspaper

Communication activities

  • >>Increase the awareness of communities on immunization including the new vaccines such as IPV, MR second dose through use of Mass Media: Radios.
  • Sensitization on routine immunization schedule  and as Rwanda is introducing IPV in routine there will also an opportunity to inform population  on Inactivated Polio Vaccine introduction)
  • Sensitization of all population on hygiene (hand washing) and use of improved sanitation facilities,
  • Sensitization on the importance of sleeping under Insecticide Treated Mosquito net to prevent Malaria

Deworming tablets

  • >>Provision of de-worming tablets to children between 12 months and 15 years of age

Vitamin A administration

  • >>Provision of Vitamin A supplementation to children between the ages of 6 Month to 24 month

Malnutrition screening

  • >>Malnutrition screening among children aged 6-59 months by using

Communication activities

  • Intensified Community awareness creation for immunization
  • Distribution of EPI posters to all HFs
  • Use of social media to create awareness on immunization 
  • National launch of PCV

Measles campaign
•    Sensitization on Measles verification orientation meeting

Afrique du Sud

Communication activities

There will be a Child Health Month in April covering areas such as:

  • Nutrition, child protection, preventative measures, child safety etc. Specific to immunization will be the national launch of the new Road to Health Booklet by the First Lady on 25 April 2018 in the Ekhuruleni District, Gauteng Province. 
  • All provinces are currently developing their plans for the AVW and these will be shared by the national level.
Soudan du Sud

Communication activities

  • Increasing demand for vaccination at the community level through social mobilization using community gathering opportunities, health talk, and other outlets
  • Press release by Ministry of Health on AVW and importance of Immunization
  • Use the week to conduct a round of intensified vaccination (PIRI)
  • Distribution of IEC materials to facilities on the importance of immunization

Communication activities

  • Ministry of Health and Partners 
  • Conduct meetings with Health Journalists and Reporters 
  • Conduct intensive Social Mobilization using  film vans and VHT mobilization
  • Meeting with ACSM Partners and discuss AVW activities they can be engaged in 
  • Support supervision visits will be conducted at health facilities where immunization services will take place
  • District Leaders 
  • Support Health Facility to organize AVW. 
  • Equip the health facility with key messages on immunization 
  • To undertake social mobilization activities in identified “hard-to-reach” communities
  • Cultural and Religious leaders   
  • Map and create a data base of all cultural and religious structures operating at community level in the district.
  • Support DHTs to raise awareness on immunization in the community 
  • Hold meetings with cultural and religious structures/groups to discuss key issues affecting immunization coverage. 
  • Support supervision, monitoring and evaluation of the above activities 
  • ACSM Team 
  • Revise/update and produce IEC materials on immunization
  • Revise/update key messages for radio and television
  • Support DHTs to disseminate the IEC materials and messages using all relevant community structures. 
  • Document  AVW activities and interest success stories 

Mother and child Health weeks
To be integrated with Child Health Week as well as launch of Introduction of IPV into Routine Immunization


Communication activities

  • Official Launch – It is planned that the Honorable Minister for Health will conduct the launch through a special function to be held at the Mavuso Trade Centre where town council and Chiefs from surrounding areas, church leaders and the public will be in attendance. 
  • Creating Public Awareness through use of  Mass Media: Radio, TV, Newspapers  –  Thursdays  Live Current Affairs Programme on Health Issues(SBIS), Letishisako/Letisematseni and public service announcements Kusile Breakfast Show (STBC), Nation Live Phone in Programme at Voice of the Church (see table below)
  • Conduct sensitization meetings for Regional Health Management Teams, Health Care Workers, Wellness Managers and Media Practitioner.

Mother and child Health weeks

  • AVW mixed with Child Health weeks

Communication activities

  • HPV/IPV launches at regional level throughout the country
  • Awareness creation on HPV/IPV and other vaccines
  • Advocacy at regional and district level for support for immunization activities

Communication activities

  • Awareness creation on benefits of immunization and information on IPV vaccination and other vaccination to the public through electronic media
  • Development of Jingle on benefits of Vaccinations
  • Broadcasting of jingle on national and local radio stations for two weeks
  • Press release in local newspapers.

Mother and child Health weeks

  • To be integrated with Child Health Week as well as launch of Introduction of IPV into Routine Immunization.

Communication activities

  • Sensitization of PNOs, PHPOs, EPI Officers, DNOs, DHPOS from all provinces on Africa Vaccination Week providing them with Theme and Objectives during EPI Review meetings
  • Conduct Visits prior to implementation of the programme
  • Provinces encouraged to utilize existing gatherings and meetings for example Independence Day activities to create awareness  taking advantage of gatherings in various sites
  • Posting a Press Release on AVW
  • To prepare flight messages on AVW on radio (Star FM, Radio Zimbabwe and National FM to cover minority languages) and ZTV television during the week
  • Support Mashonaland West launch The Africa Vaccination Week in Hurungwe District
  • Conduct Supportive Visit During implementation of the programme
  • Flighting of spots on radio and television
  • Report Writing

Country activities


Dr Fatoumata Binta T. DIALLO, administrant le VPI à un enfant OMS

Congo: Lancement Semaine africaine de la Vaccination

Congo A l’instar d’autres pays de la région africaine de l’OMS, la…


Un enfant est vacciné au service des vaccinations de la PMIde M'Bouéni à Moroni

1ère édition de la Semaine Africaine de la Vaccination en Union des Comores : 25 avril au 03 mai 2016

Comoros "Faisons  vacciner nos enfants, pour une meilleure …

Cote d'Ivoire

Dr Tano-Bian, le Chargé de bureau, était aux côtés des autorités sanitaires nationales

6ème édition de la Semaine africaine de la vaccination : La Côte d’Ivoire lance le vaccin polio oral bivalent

Cote d'Ivoire La Côte d’Ivoire a démarré, à l’instar des autres Etats membres de l’…