WCO convenes CCS 2016-2020 Validation Workshop

WCO convenes CCS 2016-2020 Validation Workshop

On 23 February 2017, the World Health Organization Ethiopia Country Office conducted a one-day validation workshop of the Country Cooperation Strategy (CCS) for the period 2016-2020, in Addis Ababa. The objective of this workshop was to validate the final draft of WHO Ethiopia’s CCS 2016-2020 with the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH) and development partners. The workshop was attended by experts from FMoH, CDC, UNICEF, UNAIDS and UNFPA.

After welcoming participants, Dr Akapaka Kalu, WHO Representative to Ethiopia, stated that the purpose of this workshop is to present the draft CCS 2016-2020 to the Ethiopian government, so as to ensure that it reflects its priorities. “We have no other priorities other than those of the government and people of Ethiopia”, he stated. Dr Kalu further noted that partners should also ensure that this strategy echoes the priorities laid down in the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF).

“The CCS, other than being an articulation of our priorities as an organization and areas of investment for the next four years, is also a resource mobilization tool to support the people and government of Ethiopia”, he added.

The purpose of the CCS is among others to support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the national health priorities, including the national SDG targets, to strengthen and harmonize work with partners and other sectors, and to facilitate resource mobilization for health.

H.E. Dr Kebede Worku, State Minister of Health, on his part asserted that the draft CCS 2016-2020 is well aligned with the Health Sector Transformation Plan (HSTP). “The strategy reflects well the six thematic areas and is aligned with the priorities of the Ethiopian government”, Dr Kebede stated. He indicated that support to the pharmaceutical sector should be incorporated in the CCS, and further affirmed that WHO and the Ethiopian government should work together to ensure equity and quality of care. Dr Kebede pointed out issues that need attention, including the involvement of WHO and other development partners in supporting the Ethiopian government to improve refugees' health and wellbeing. “Coordination and partnership should be strengthened within the UN Country Team”, Dr Kebede concluded.

The workshop continued with two consecutive presentations on the process of developing the CCS 2016-2020 and on the summary of the CCS with emphasis on the Strategic priorities and focus areas. The presentations were followed by group work during which experts from FMoH and WHO gathered to review and validate the strategic priorities and focus areas of the draft CCS and presented it to the plenary.

CCS is a medium term strategic framework for WHO’s cooperation with the Government of Ethiopia and serves as a tool to guide planning, budgeting and resources allocation for WHO’s supported programs.


01. Dr Akpaka Kalu, WHO Representative to Ethiopia delivering his welcoming remarks

02. H.E. Dr Kebede Worku, State Minister of Health delivering his opening remarks

03. Group picture: CCS 2016-2020 Validation Workshop

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