WHO Ethiopia in AWD Prevention Activities

WHO Ethiopia in AWD Prevention Activities

Harar, 30 December 2016 – The Qulubi Gebreal celebration that brings together more than half a million pilgrimage participants across the nation took place on 28 December 2016. This colorful ceremony has always been there twice a year on 28 July and 28 December each year. In such a situation where people are gathered, many are at risk of contracting communicable diseases especially AWD (Acute Watery Diarrhea). As a result, WHO Country Office in Ethiopia took part in the preparation and implementation of preventive measures against AWD and similar public health hazards.  

WHO Ethiopia along with the Oromia Regional Health Bureau and relevant structures, and partners lent its able hands and expertise to support the preparation and mitigation of AWD on site from 25 to 30 December 2016 in Qulubi. 

Mr. Amare Workiye, the WHO WASH Expert says, “water and sanitation can always pose problem when people are gathered in large numbers.  Knowing this, we try to be there to make the necessary coordination.  In here at Qulubi, we have not only disinfected the water supplies, but also sensitized the religious leaders and local authority in providing clean water”. According to him, water supplies have been disinfected; proper messages were shared for people to take precaution; AWD Treatment Center properly established, water points identified and cleaned, and water treatment chemical distributed.    

“I have personally tested the free residual chlorine level. It is all in accordance to the standards and protocol. I am impressed with the receptiveness of the leadership in the area, both religious and government alike”.

“No cases have been reported. The celebration took place as colorfully as it has always been. And people have gone back home safe and healthy” one of the church administrators who wanted to remain anonymous noted upon the end of the celebration.

Prevention has some budgetary implication, but it is the best cure. Once one is infected with AWD, the financial as well as social cost is extremely high, at times beyond imagination. And life is priceless. “Such precautionary and preventive activities are always necessary whatever the cost is. But it saves life and is rewarding. “The fact that we did all the necessary interventions which has prevented the possibility of AWD cases in the area,” Amare explained

WHO is very keen about public health safety. It always works with the host government, Regional offices and partners to strengthen the health system to be able to cope with outbreaks before they happen. 


For more information, please contact

Mikiyas Sissay
Communication Officer
WHO Ethiopia
email: sissaym [at] who.int (sissaym[at]who[dot]int)  

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