Lessons from the Development of Single TB and HIV Concept Notes and the way forward for joint TB and HIV Programming

Lessons from the Development of Single TB and HIV Concept Notes and the way forward for joint TB and HIV Programming

A global consultation to draw lessons from the development of Single TB and HIV Concept Notes and defining the way forward for joint TB and HIV programming was held in Addis Ababa on 18-20 November 2015.

The consultation, organized by the Global TB Programme and Department of HIV/AIDS of the World Health Organization in collaboration with UNAIDS and the Global Fund Secretariat, served as a forum for optimal exchange of experiences, information, views and opinions among country participants and regional as well as global partners. Best practices, success stories and challenges faced by countries in the development of single TB and HIV concept notes, approval and grant making process as well as implementation of joint TB and HIV programming were discussed during the consultation.

Dr Haileyesus Getahun, Coordinator of the TB/HIV and Community Engagement, WHO Global TB Programme, explained that the rationale of the TB and HIV programming is to ensure better health outcomes and enhanced impact. He added that it will also ensure efficient resource use and gained efficiencies; synergized programme management and efforts.

Harmonization of policy and programme management, alignment of critical components of the health system, integrated TB and HIV services, community system strengthening human rights, gender and key pop engagement are critical areas for joint TB and HIV programming. 

Joint TB and HIV programming identifies opportunities for aligning plans, optimizing support systems and integrating services primarily between the two programmes, which in turn results in the scale-up of collaborative TB/HIV activities as well as a number of other benefits beyond the two programmes.

A Marketplace featuring country-focused, moderated poster presentations and discussion provided a platform for an exchange of country experiences during the consultation.

The consultation brought together National TB and HIV programme managers, representatives from the Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) and civil society as well as UNAIDS, WHO and US Government PEPFAR. Representatives from eight African countries: Cameroon, DRC, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania and Zambia were also present at the consultation. These are countries whose experiences in the development of single concept note on joint TB/HIV programming were shared and discussed at the consultation. 

Outcomes of the consultation, including recommendations, will be shared among participating countries for implementation in their joint TB/HIV programming.

More: Lancet article on the Ethiopia TB Program.


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