Ethiopia wrap up commemoration of African Vaccination Week

Ethiopia wrap up commemoration of African Vaccination Week

27 April 2013, Addis Ababa -- In a colorful event at Selam Health Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Dr Luis G. Sambo, WHO Regional Director for Africa joined in solidarity as Ethiopia wrapped up series of events launched for the commemoration of the week-long African Vaccination Week. The commemoration was launched at Asella, East Arsi Zone of Oromiya Region, 170 KMs South of Addis Ababa on 21 April 2013. The theme for this year is “Save lives, Prevent disabilities, Vaccinate!”

The closing event at Selam Health Center was attended by H.E. Dr Kesetebirhan Admassu, Minister of the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), Dr Pierre M’pele Kilebou, WHO Country Representative to Ethiopia, Dr Peter Salama, UNICEF Country Representative, Dr Tigest Ketsela, Director of Health Promotion Cluster, WHO AFRO, Dr George Ki-zerbo, WHO AFRO CDS Program Coordinator, Mr. Getachew Teshome, Deputy Head of Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau, WHO and UNICEF staff, several mothers with their children, health workers and other participants.

In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Getachew Teshome, Deputy Head of Addis Ababa City Administration Health Bureau, extended words of thanks to the FMOH for its leadership and to WHO Ethiopia for technical and financial assistance towards improving the health of the population and in particular that of women and children. “Thanks to Urban Health Extension Program currently under implementation, it leverages our efforts to reach more eligible children. The African Vaccination Week Campaign brings us an opportunity to reach more eligible children through awareness creation and advocacy.” Mr Getachew said.

H.E. Dr Kesetebirhan Admassu, the Minister of Health, praised the commitment demonstrated by the presence of Dr Luis G. Sambo and gave highlights of progresses made in reaching 86% immunization coverage in the last fiscal year and encouraged all partners to gear up their efforts to ensure that all children are vaccinated. Dr Kesetebirhan explained that efforts being made by the Women Health Development Army and Health Extension Program play a pivotal role in mobilizing communities to meet targets set for vaccination coverage. He mentioned also that the Federal Ministry of Health is making every effort to strengthen the cold chain system in order to maintain the potency of vaccines and ensure delivery of quality services. To this end, Dr Kesetebirhan said, “the Ministry of Health is currently constructing warehouses and purchasing necessary cold chain equipment.” He then reiterated MOH’s commitment to introduce new vaccines such as vaccine against Rota virus and others to reduce deaths from vaccine preventable diseases.

In his key note address, Dr Pierre M’pele Kilebou, WHO Country Representative to Ethiopia, acknowledging the presence of the WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Luis G. Sambo, expressed warmly his appreciation of the events organized and participation demonstrated in the commemoration of the African Vaccination Week.


H.E. Dr Kesetebirhan Admassu, the Minister of Health, praised the commitment demonstrated by the presence of Dr Luis G. Sambo and gave highlights of progresses made in reaching 86% immunization coverage in the last fiscal year and encouraged all partners to gear up their efforts to ensure that all children are vaccinated. Dr Kesetebirhan explained that efforts being made by the Women Health Development Army and Health Extension Program play a pivotal role in mobilizing communities to meet targets set for vaccination coverage. He mentioned also that the Federal Ministry of Health is making every effort to strengthen the cold chain system in order to maintain the potency of vaccines and ensure delivery of quality services. To this end, Dr Kesetebirhan said, “the Ministry of Health is currently constructing warehouses and purchasing necessary cold chain equipment.” He then reiterated MOH’s commitment to introduce new vaccines such as vaccine against Rota virus and others to reduce deaths from vaccine preventable diseases.

In his key note address, Dr Pierre M’pele Kilebou, WHO Country Representative to Ethiopia, acknowledging the presence of the WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Luis G. Sambo, expressed warmly his appreciation of the events organized and participation demonstrated in the commemoration of the African Vaccination Week.

Dr Peter Salama, UNICEF Country Office Representative said that 4/5th of all children across the world are saved by vaccination, however, 1/5th of children, are missed or excluded. We know that the 5th child lives in the African Region, including Ethiopia. He encouraged everyone to help reach that child who needs to be protected”.

Following the remarks on the occasion, the chief guests had a chance to talk to a few mothers who were present at the health center seeking vaccination for their children. A vaccination session by the chief guests concluded the event at the health center.

The last phase of the programme was a visit paid to two households identified as Models through the Urban Health Extension Programme. The Health Extension Programme of Ethiopia is a major success story in bringing basic health services to household level through Health Extension Workers selected at community level. The programme has an inbuilt system of acknowledging households who graduated fulfilling the 17 components of the programme package. To mention a few of the components considered for graduation are: households who got their children fully vaccinated, have built their dry and liquid waste disposal facilities, etc. H.E. Dr Kesetebirhan Admassu, Dr Luis Gomes Sambo, Dr Pierre M’pele Kilebou, Country Representative, Dr Peter Salama, UNICEF Country Representative, Dr Tigest Ketsela, Dr George Ki-Zerbo, Mr. Getachew Teshome, and distinguished invitees attended the visits at household level and held in-depth discussions with the selected health extension workers and health development army representatives.

The visit was exciting and inspiring for heads of families and health extension workers sharing their achievements, experiences, the benefits they gained and challenges they faced for distinguished visitors.

Currently, in Addis Ababa 1321 Nurse Health Extension Workers with 221 supervisors are working to support citizens benefiting from primary health services including vaccinations.

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