Integrated Mother and Child Health week and 12+ Program launching in Rwanda

Integrated Mother and Child Health week and 12+ Program launching in Rwanda

Rwanda has organized from 07th to 09th October the Integrated Mother and Child Health Week for the second time this year. The first week was organized in March 2014. The launching ceremony took place in Musanze District, Northern Province on 07th October. The launching of the Week coincided with the launching of the 12+ Program targeting young girls between 10 and 12 years. The Guest of Honour of this ceremony was the Minister of State in charge of Public Health and Primary Health Care. Among other guests were the Executive Secretary of Northern Province, and the Mayor of Musanze District. The United Nations Agencies were represented by the Resident Coordinator of UN, and UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO Representatives. Other Partners present were DFID, USAID, Imbuto Foundation and Girl Hub.

During this Mother and Child Health Week, around 5 million of children aged 9 months to 14 years old were targeted.

This Integrated Mother and Child Health Week included various interventions including immunization for children 0 to 15 months of age, de-worming of children 1 to 15 years of age, distribution of vitamin A supplements for all children under 5 and breastfeeding mothers.

The campaign also focused on family planning sensitization to males and females in the reproductive age as well as social mobilization and advocacy to promote significance of hand washing, malaria prevention and use of mosquito nets and importance of antenatal care among others.         

The launching of the 12+ Program by the Ministry of State in charge of Public Health and Primary Health Care, accompanied by the Resident Coordinator of UN Agencies and DFID Representative, included a session of demonstration of how the program is run by selected young girls and for themselves. This session was presented at a Primary School in Musanze. The 12+ Program is a mentorship and safe-spaces programme that aims to enable 10-12 years old girls become informed decision makers. The activities are performed every weekend, over a ten months period, and  the girls take part in fun learning activities to work through a diverse curriculum that covers a range of issues from friendship, sexual and reproductive health, gender based violence, education and financial literacy.

The 12+ Program started in all 30 administrative Districts across the country and 3 NGOs are implementing it, “Imbuto” Foundation, Caritas and World Relief.


 Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6
Speech of Minister of State in charge of Public Health and Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health.
Speech of Resident Coordinator U.N.
Administration of Mebendazole by the Minister of State, Ministry of Health
Administration of vitamin A by a Community Health Worker
Launching of the 12+ Program
Launching of the 12+ Program

For more information, please contact:

Email:  gasherebukab [at] (gasherebukab[at]who[dot]int)

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