WHO provides an ambulance and motorcycles to Kigoma Region

WHO provides an ambulance and motorcycles to Kigoma Region

19 April 2021, Kigoma Region: In a bid to contribute to preparedness of Kigoma region against epidemic prone diseases and general improvement of health services the region, the World Health Organization donated an ambulance and four motorcycles, worthy TZS 119.9 million. Because of its location on the border with Democratic Republic of Congo and Burundi, Kigoma region is a critical area in Tanzania’s preparedness against outbreaks. Additionally, have frequent population movements as it hosts refugees from the two nations.

The donation of ambulance and motor vehicles is a continuation of WHO’s support to enable the Health department in Kigoma ramp up preparedness and response capacities to public health emergencies of international concern including COVID-19. The donation was handed to the Kigoma Regional Medical Officer, Dr. Charles Chacha in the Kigoma town. Funded by the embassy of Japan in Tanzania vehicles will facilitate surveillance activities of epidemic prone diseases in Kakonko, Kasulu, Buhigwe and Uvinza Districts.

Speaking at the handover occasion organized at the Regional Commissioner’s office in April, the Kigoma Regional Medical Officer, Dr. Charles Chacha appreciated the support from WHO and the continued collaboration with United Nations agencies.

“Being a border region, Kigoma faces a continuous threat of disease importation, whenever, outbreaks are reported in neighboring countries. These vehicles will play a great role in improving our surveillance capacity,” said Dr. Chacha.

Previously, WHO supported public awareness efforts in Kigoma through airtime support to local radio stations for six months to broadcast COVID-19 prevention messages reaching almost 90% of Kigoma region community including border communities in DRC and Burundi. In addition, since March 2020, WHO has deployed medical, laboratory and social scientists to support the health sector response to the pandemic and mobilized and donated medical equipment, supplies, build capacity of various cadres of health workers and paramedical staff to respond to the pandemic in Tanzania.

Dr. Jairos Hiliza, WHO Technical Officer representing the Country Representative at the handover pledged continued collaboration with the region and appealed for support from other organizations to support operationalization of the Kigoma Joint Programme.

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