Highlights of the commemoration of the World Health Day in Zambia

Highlights of the commemoration of the World Health Day in Zambia

Lusaka, 8th April 2016 - The World Health Day was commemorated in Zambia on 7th April under the theme  “Beat Diabetes” in Shibuyunji, one of the rural districts in Lusaka Province. The major highlights of the event were the official launch of the First “WHO Global Report on Diabetes” by the  Acting Minister of Health, Honourable Joseph Katema and the handover of 12,000 copies of the National Non-Communicable Diseases Strategic Plan for 2013-2016 by the WHO Representative, Dr. Jacob Mufunda to the Acting Minister of Health. The WHO Country Office supported the development and printing of the document which is anchored on the WHO Global NCDs strategy for 2013-2020.

The District Commissioner for Shibuyunji thanked government for commemorating the World Health Day in Shibuyunji because the event created awareness about diabetes in the community. He said that the mobile hospitals which were deployed in the area were providing various services including screening for diabetes, blood pressure, HIV testing and Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision and treatment for various  health conditions. The Senior Chief Shakumbila who was present at the event welcomed the campaign against diabetes and said he would work with other chiefs in Shibuyunji to reduce the increasing trend of diabetes.

In his statement to launch World Health Day, Hon. Katema stated that there was an increasing incidence of diabetes in Zambia because out of all the cases of Non- Communicable diseases attended to at health facilities, the proportion of diabetes increased from 2.5% in 2009 to 6.4% in 2011. The minister urged the public to take preventive measures such as taking regular exercise, avoiding tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol and by taking healthy diets. He said that the government was committed to scaling up prevention, strengthening care and enhancing surveillance for diabetes in line with the goal of the World Health Day. The event was characterized by speeches, song and dance, distribution of IEC and a testimony by a person living with diabetes.   

The District Medical Office mobilized the community, Civil Society, Community Based Organisations, schools and the media to participate at the event. The commemoration of Diabetes day was officially launched by the Minister of Health on National television. In line with the theme and the goal of the WHD which is to scale up prevention, strengthen care, and enhance surveillance, the Ministry of Health stationed mobile hospitals in Nampundwe  to enable the public have access to screening and treatment services for diabetes and other medical conditions. There was very good response from the community which kept the facilities busy during the week of the campaign and on WHD. Schools were mobilized and participated actively in awareness activities and at the launch event.

 The WHO Representative, Dr. Jacob Mufunda read the statement of the WHO Regional Director for the African Region, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti. The statement indicated that  globally, the number of people living with diabetes has risen sharply from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. In the African Region, the figures had risen from 4 million to 25 million during the same period. The sharp rise is a result of rapid uncontrolled urbanisation, globalization and major changes in lifestyle with a resultant increase in the prevalence of the lifestyle risk factors. Diabetes imposes a substantial public health and socioeconomic burden in the face of scarce resources.

Early diagnosis and treatment is critical to prevent the development of complications. Equally important is the need to strengthen public awareness about diabetes to reduce the chances of developing and dying from the disease i urge all governments to implement the globally agreed actions to prevent and control diabetes. Diagnosis and treatment of diabetes should be integrated with the management of Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and other chronic conditions. It is essential to ensure access to basic diagnostics and lifesaving medicines such as insulin and oral hypoglycaemic agents at all levels of the health care delivery system including primary health care level.  I also call on development partners, civil society and the private sector to jointly intensify efforts to defeat diabetes.

WHO remains committed to continue to provide technical support for development and implementation of policies and strategies for the prevention and control of diabetes and other NCDs in the region. Dr. Moeti appealed to the general public to take action to prevent diabetes and to go for regular check-up to avoid unnecessary illness, complications and premature death.


For More Information contact:

Nora Mweemba, NPO, Health Promotion   mweemban [at] who.int (mweemban[at]who[dot]int)

Dr. Peter Songolo, DPC, songolop [at] who.int (songolop[at]who[dot]int)



01. The Acting Minister of Health, Dr. Joseph Katema reading a statement to mark the World Health Day

02. Members of the public accessing medical services at the mobile hospitals in Nampundwe, Shibuyunji district

03. School pupils participated in WHD activities including the march past

04. The WHO Representative, Dr. Jacob Mufunda (left) handing over the first  “WHO Global Report on Diabetes”  to the Acting Minister of Health, Hon. Joseph Katema.

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