The Ministry of Health and Social Services in Namibia held its Health Sector Performance review

WHO Representative, Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses delivering his closing remarks at the Namibia Health Sector Performance Review
WHO Namibia

The Ministry of Health and Social Services in Namibia held its Health Sector Performance review

The Ministry of Health and Social Services in Namibia in collaboration with its development partners led by the World Health Organisation (WHO) is conducting a Health Sector performance review that will cover the period 2009 to date. Building on the last review in 2008, the overall objective of this review is to assess progress in attainment of targets, implementation of strategies and document contextual factors impacting performance of the health system.

During the week of 15th November 2021, stakeholders from the Ministry of Health, other Government Ministries and Agencies and Partners participated in a workshop to analyze secondary data from the period under review and prepare for field data collection at national and sub-national level.

Speaking at the opening of the workshop, the Executive Director Ministry of Health and Social Services underscored the value of the review in identifying barriers to delivering results effectively and efficiently. “We must make sure that our interventions are meeting the needs of people at the community level”, said Mr. Ben Nangombe, the Executive Director.

Based on the findings of the review, a national policy dialogue will examine the key strategic issues identified, best practices and policy implications of the findings for the National Health Policy and next Health Sector Strategic Plan 2022-2027.

“As we await the findings and recommendations from the review, it is important to note that the results are not an end in themselves and that real progress largely depends on the extent to which the evidence, recommendations and agreed actions from the review are taken forward by both the Government and its partners”, said Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses, WHO Representative.  

Namibia Health Sector Performance Review
WHO Namibia
WHO Representative, Dr Charles Sagoe-Moses delivering his closing remarks at the Namibia Health Sector Performance Review
WHO Namibia
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