The World No Tobacco Day award medal in display

The World No Tobacco Day award medal in display

October - The Ebola outbreak caused human catastrophe (loss of human lives) and also tested the World Health Organisations’ (WHO) preparedness and response to disease outbreaks, globally. In response to the dire situation, in July 2015, a high-level meeting was convened in Cape Town, South Africa, with the Theme: ‘Building Health Security Beyond Ebola’.

Member States and partners called on the WHO to take the lead in the coordination of global health security work; provide a road map for this work and develop a tool for donor and partner coordination.

Since then the WHO has developed the SPP tool: a web-based portal called the Strategic Partnership Portal (SPP).  Currently, there are 19 countries in the Afro region, participating in the SPP tool. These include; Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, Central African Republic, Tanzania, Togo, Chad, Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger

In light of the above a one day Donor partner briefing was recently held at Paradise suits hotel to raise awareness on the SPP tool in country and to bring donors and partners together to establish a strong relationship. 

The Permanent Secretary (PS) of the Ministry of Health & Social Welfare Mrs. Saffie Lowe Ceesay, presiding over this important development welcomed this initiative of the WHO noting that partnership is required between all countries to share technical skills and resources, to support capacity strengthening at all levels, as well as support each other in times of crisis and promote transparency.

She reminded the audience of the  Ebola Virus Disease outbreak in  March 2014 which claimed many lives which had led The Gambia to develop a comprehensive and well costed One Year National Ebola Virus Disease Strategic Plan reflecting the new imperatives of Ebola transmission in the Sub-region

She expressed her ministry’s appreciation of the support of key partners during the implementation period as well as the newly created Strategic Partnerships Portal by WHO designed to foster information-sharing with focus on bilateral and multilateral investments made by donors and partners to the Gambia, as well as to international agencies such as WHO, UNICEF, UNDP UNFPA etc. 

She thanked all those present noting that this will be the beginning for strengthening  the alignment between health security stakeholders, enhancing transparency among partners, increasing accountability to maximize results, and to strengthening our health systems as a whole.

The WHO Representative, Dr. Charles Sagoe-Moses after officially welcoming partners dilated on the newly created Strategic Partnerships Portal (SPP) by WHO which he noted is a communications tool designed to foster information-sharing with the multi-sectoral donor community at countryregional and global levels, thereby providing donors and technical partners with direct access to current as well as future health security investment information in the Gambia

He went on to say SPP is a platform that allows countries, donors, partners, international agencies and other health security stakeholders to know the activities and initiatives being   carried out in various countries in building core capacities of the International Health Regulations (IHR). It also promotes inter-agency coordination, communication and collaboration.

WR highlighted that SPP is a real game changer and can be used by anybody as it enables donors and partners to know who is doing what, where and when. 

He finally pleaded with partners to give the SPP focal point their full support as he knocks on doors to commence this collaboration towards making the SPP a one-stop-shop for information on needs and gaps in the country’s plan for health emergencies and partners’ contributions towards closing these gaps.  

This was followed by presentations WCO SPP focal point, Mr. Mamadou  Labbo Bah who gave an introduction of SPP, its structure, types of contribution, its importance and its accessibility.

The Head of the Epidemiology and Disease Control EDC) unit made a presentation on International Health Regulation linking it to the SPP whilst  the Deputy Director of planning  gave an overview of the Ebola preparedness and activities carried out so far in-country.

A 30 minutes session was allocated for questions and answers guided by the event chair, Mr. Momodou Gassama - NPO/HPR at the WCO.


For more details, please contact: Mr. Momodou Gassama, Health Promotion Officer, gassamam [at] (gassamam[at]gm[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int)—(+220)- 4462286 Mr. George. Williams, Health Information Assistant, williamsg [at] (williamsg[at]gm[dot]afro[dot]who[dot]int)—(+220) 4462284

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