The Gambia launches 2014 Synchronized National Immunization Days

The Gambia launches 2014 Synchronized National Immunization Days

The 2014 Synchronized National Immunization Days (NIDs) against polio, currently taking place in 13 West and Central African countries, kicked off in the Gambia on the eve of the campaign at the Kanifing Municipal Council Grounds (KMC) in Sere Kunda (18th September 2014).  Two rounds of polio NIDs are slated for 19th -22nd September 2014 and 31st Oct. – 03rd Nov. 2014 respectively.
The exercise, which targets a population of 416,740 children from 0 to 5 years, was launched by the Honorable Minister of Health and Social Welfare, Hon. Omar Sey.  Hundreds of people of different walks of life – government officials, United Nations Officials, diplomats, mothers, care givers, parents, community leaders and civil society organizations – gathered at the KMC Grounds to witness the ceremony.
The Honourable Minister thanked donors, particularly the polio eradication coalition notably WHO, UNICEF, Rotary International and the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control of the United States of America, for their relentless support to the Gambia’s immunization programme.  He said that the Gambia has made significant inroads in its immunization programme by reasonably sustaining high immunization coverage over the years, an achievement that has earned the country a polio-free status by the WHO in 2004 and GAVI’s Award in 2009 for sustained improved immunization coverage for six years.
Minister Sey, however warned against complacency as the current circulation of the polio virus in neighboring countries in the sub-region is already threatening the gains made over the years.  He therefore urged the Gambian community, particularly parents and care givers, to lend their full support to the campaign by ensuring that every eligible child gets vaccinated during the exercise.
For his part, the WHO Country Representative, Dr. Charles Sagoe-Moses, in delivering a joint UNICEF/WHO statement commended the national authorities for the high political commitment accorded to immunization services.  He noted that this campaign will integrate Vitamin A and Mabendazole both of which will be given to children below 59 months of age.
Dr. Sagoe-Moses seized the opportunity to brief the gathering on the current situation on polio in the African Region, noting that since 1st January 2014 to date, 16 wild poliovirus cases have been confirmed in our Region (Cameroon =5; Ethiopia =1; Equatorial Guinea =5 and Nigeria =5) compared to 52 of the previous year. Similarly, at global level, only 149 cases have been confirmed so far compared to 250 cases for the year before. He paid tribute to countries that could not join the synchronized campaign due to the deadly Ebola Virus Disease as our hearts and prayers were with them.
He also reported that the recent Global Vaccine Summit held in Dubai last month saw an extraordinary demonstration of support for the new Polio Eradication Initiative and Endgame Strategic Plan 2013-2018, where Governments, Private Sector, Civil Society Organizations, and Multilateral Organizations pledged 75% of the projected US$5.5 billion needed to finally rid the world of poliomyelitis.
It was against this background, based on their comparative advantage, Dr. Sagoe-Moses  noted that WHO provided the necessary technical leadership and support through the development of tools and guidelines; training of those involved in implementation ; and above all financial remuneration of vaccinators and independent monitors for the smooth conduct of the campaign. On the other hand he noted, UNICEF provided the necessary logistical support by making vaccines available and strengthening the cold chain system as well as support the communication and social mobilization tools, processes and activities before and during the campaign.
In conclusion, he assured the Minister that WHO and its partners’ would continue their support in this endeavor until the target of a polio free Africa is achieved.
The Deputy Mayor of KMC, in his welcome remarks, also reiterated and assured the Honourable Minister of his Municipality’s support to current national polio eradication initiatives including the NIDs.
Madame Adam Wadda-Jammeh, president of the Rotary International also echoed similar sentiments, pledging increased financial support to the social mobilization as aspects of the exercise, in particular, noting that “Polio eradication is not an option, it’s an obligation”.

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